itgoyo / 500Days-Of-Github

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Error: Another active Homebrew update process is already in progress. Please wait for it to finish or terminate it to continue. #234

Open itgoyo opened 3 years ago

itgoyo commented 3 years ago

在用 homebrew 安装东西的时候遇到 ERROR

Error: Another active Homebrew update process is already in progress.
Please wait for it to finish or terminate it to continue.

意思就是:还有正在进行中的 Homebrew 更新过程。 请等待它完成或终止它继续。


在终端下输入 ps -aux | grep ruby 显示:

ps: No user named 'x'

把 x 改成 Mac 的名字就可以看到正在运行的进程了


rm -rf /usr/local/var/homebrew/locks
