I want create app that calculat distance between tow points.
I create new project with VS 2012 and I download Itinero.dll v 1.3.2 with nuget commande line.
I also add "Reminiscence.dll" to Reference after an error that has occurred.
// using Itinero;
// using Itinero.IO.Osm;
// using Itinero.Osm.Vehicles;
// load some routing data and create a router.
var routerDb = new RouterDb();
using (var stream = new FileInfo(@"/path/to/some/osmfile.osm.pbf").OpenRead())
routerDb.LoadOsmData(stream, Vehicle.Car);
var router = new Router(routerDb);
// calculate a route.
var route = router.Calculate(Vehicle.Car.Fastest(),
51.26797020271655f, 4.801905155181885f, 51.26100849597512f, 4.780721068382263f);
var geoJson = route.ToGeoJson();
I dont find the LoadOsmData method in RouterDb class.
can you please give me some orientations to solve this Issues.
Hi; I want create app that calculat distance between tow points. I create new project with VS 2012 and I download Itinero.dll v 1.3.2 with nuget commande line. I also add "Reminiscence.dll" to Reference after an error that has occurred.
then when I tray to test the code of the documentation (http://docs.itinero.tech/docs/itinero/index.html) below :
// using Itinero; // using Itinero.IO.Osm; // using Itinero.Osm.Vehicles;
// load some routing data and create a router. var routerDb = new RouterDb(); using (var stream = new FileInfo(@"/path/to/some/osmfile.osm.pbf").OpenRead()) { routerDb.LoadOsmData(stream, Vehicle.Car); } var router = new Router(routerDb);
// calculate a route. var route = router.Calculate(Vehicle.Car.Fastest(), 51.26797020271655f, 4.801905155181885f, 51.26100849597512f, 4.780721068382263f); var geoJson = route.ToGeoJson();
I dont find the LoadOsmData method in RouterDb class.
can you please give me some orientations to solve this Issues.