itinero / routing

The routing core of itinero.
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Exception while loading osm data #195

Closed Sonnenspeer closed 6 years ago

Sonnenspeer commented 6 years ago

I've tried today to load osm data in Xamarin Forms to create a new route but it's breaking as soon as it's trying to load the osm data.

My Code: using (var stream = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(localPath, "luxembourg-latest.osm.pbf")).OpenRead()) { routerDb.LoadOsmData(stream, Vehicle.Pedestrian); // create the network. }

Exception: Unhandled Exception: System.MissingMethodException: bool Itinero.Attributes.IAttributeCollection.TryGetValue(string,string&)

Exception with Stacktrace: ` Unhandled Exception:

System.MissingMethodException: bool Itinero.Attributes.IAttributeCollection.TryGetValue(string,string&)

06-05 17:20:33.360 D/Mono ( 6514): DllImport attempting to load: '/system/lib/'. 06-05 17:20:33.360 D/Mono ( 6514): DllImport loaded library '/system/lib/'. 06-05 17:20:33.360 D/Mono ( 6514): DllImport searching in: '/system/lib/' ('/system/lib/'). 06-05 17:20:33.360 D/Mono ( 6514): Searching for 'android_log_print'. 06-05 17:20:33.360 D/Mono ( 6514): Probing 'android_log_print'. 06-05 17:20:33.360 D/Mono ( 6514): Found as 'android_log_print'. 06-05 17:20:33.370 I/MonoDroid( 6514): UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: 06-05 17:20:33.465 I/MonoDroid( 6514): System.MissingMethodException: bool Itinero.Attributes.IAttributeCollection.TryGetValue(string,string&) 06-05 17:20:33.465 I/MonoDroid( 6514): at Itinero.IO.Osm.Streams.RouterDbStreamTarget.b23_0 (OsmSharp.OsmGeo osmGeo, System.Object param) [0x0001e] in <8ef2211a617d4541bf5c66536aa2c840>:0 06-05 17:20:33.465 I/MonoDroid( 6514): at OsmSharp.Streams.Filters.OsmStreamFilterDelegate.MoveNext (System.Boolean ignoreNodes, System.Boolean ignoreWays, System.Boolean ignoreRelations) [0x0001b] in <06adcc0b134f46388331c8e6baa48ee0>:0 06-05 17:20:33.465 I/MonoDroid( 6514): at OsmSharp.Streams.OsmStreamTarget.DoPull (System.Boolean ignoreNodes, System.Boolean ignoreWays, System.Boolean ignoreRelations) [0x00051] in <06adcc0b134f46388331c8e6baa48ee0>:0 06-05 17:20:33.465 I/MonoDroid( 6514): at Itinero.IO.Osm.Streams.RouterDbStreamTarget.OnBeforePull () [0x00000] in <8ef2211a617d4541bf5c66536aa2c840>:0 06-05 17:20:33.465 I/MonoDroid( 6514): at OsmSharp.Streams.OsmStreamTarget.Pull () [0x00006] in <06adcc0b134f46388331c8e6baa48ee0>:0 06-05 17:20:33.465 I/MonoDroid( 6514): at Itinero.IO.Osm.RouterDbExtensions.LoadOsmData (Itinero.RouterDb db, OsmSharp.Streams.OsmStreamSource[] sources, Itinero.IO.Osm.LoadSettings settings, Itinero.Profiles.Vehicle[] vehicles) [0x000c3] in <8ef2211a617d4541bf5c66536aa2c840>:0 06-05 17:20:33.465 I/MonoDroid( 6514): at Itinero.IO.Osm.RouterDbExtensions.LoadOsmData (Itinero.RouterDb db, OsmSharp.Streams.OsmStreamSource[] sources, System.Boolean allCore, System.Boolean processRestrictions, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] processors, Itinero.Profiles.Vehicle[] vehicles) [0x0001d] in <8ef2211a617d4541bf5c66536aa2c840>:0 06-05 17:20:33.465 I/MonoDroid( 6514): at Itinero.IO.Osm.RouterDbExtensions.LoadOsmData (Itinero.RouterDb db, OsmSharp.Streams.OsmStreamSource[] sources, System.Boolean allCore, System.Boolean processRestrictions, Itinero.Profiles.Vehicle[] vehicles) [0x00000] in <8ef2211a617d4541bf5c66536aa2c840>:0 06-05 17:20:33.465 I/MonoDroid( 6514): at Itinero.IO.Osm.RouterDbExtensions.LoadOsmData (Itinero.RouterDb db, OsmSharp.Streams.OsmStreamSource source, System.Boolean allCore, System.Boolean processRestrictions, Itinero.Profiles.Vehicle[] vehicles) [0x00000] in <8ef2211a617d4541bf5c66536aa2c840>:0 06-05 17:20:33.465 I/MonoDroid( 6514): at Itinero.IO.Osm.RouterDbExtensions.LoadOsmData (Itinero.RouterDb db, System.IO.Stream data, System.Boolean allCore, Itinero.Profiles.Vehicle[] vehicles) [0x00027] in <8ef2211a617d4541bf5c66536aa2c840>:0 06-05 17:20:33.465 I/MonoDroid( 6514): at Itinero.IO.Osm.RouterDbExtensions.LoadOsmData (Itinero.RouterDb db, System.IO.Stream data, Itinero.Profiles.Vehicle[] vehicles) [0x00000] in <8ef2211a617d4541bf5c66536aa2c840>:0 06-05 17:20:33.465 I/MonoDroid( 6514): at MapNavigation2017.MapView.Route (Plugin.Geolocator.Abstractions.Position startPosition, Plugin.Geolocator.Abstractions.Position endPosition) [0x00034] in C:\Users\praktikant\source\repos\MapNavigation2017\MapNavigation2017\MapNavigation2017\MapView.cs:439 06-05 17:20:33.465 I/MonoDroid( 6514): at MapNavigation2017.MapPage..ctor () [0x00071] in C:\Users\praktikant\source\repos\MapNavigation2017\MapNavigation2017\MapNavigation2017\MapPage.xaml.cs:36 06-05 17:20:33.465 I/MonoDroid( 6514): at MapNavigation2017.App..ctor () [0x0000f] in C:\Users\praktikant\source\repos\MapNavigation2017\MapNavigation2017\MapNavigation2017\App.xaml.cs:14 06-05 17:20:33.465 I/MonoDroid( 6514): at MapNavigation2017.Droid.MainActivity.OnCreate (Android.OS.Bundle bundle) [0x0003d] in C:\Users\praktikant\source\repos\MapNavigation2017\MapNavigation2017\MapNavigation2017.Android\MainActivity.cs:24 06-05 17:20:33.465 I/MonoDroid( 6514): at Android.App.Activity.n_OnCreate_Landroid_osBundle (System.IntPtr jnienv, System.IntPtr native__this, System.IntPtr native_savedInstanceState) [0x0000f] in <263adecfa58f4c449f1ff56156d886fd>:0 06-05 17:20:33.465 I/MonoDroid( 6514): at (wrapper dynamic-method) System.Object.a867fc51-9a31-4eee-b170-3b9b05e8c4e0(intptr,intptr,intptr) 06-05 17:20:33.490 I/dalvikvm( 6514): Could not find method java.lang.Error., referenced from method android.runtime.JavaProxyThrowable. 06-05 17:20:33.490 W/dalvikvm( 6514): VFY: unable to resolve direct method 22848: Ljava/lang/Error;. (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;ZZ)V 06-05 17:20:33.490 D/dalvikvm( 6514): VFY: replacing opcode 0x70 at 0x0000 06-05 17:20:33.495 D/Mono ( 6514): DllImport searching in: '__Internal' ('(null)'). 06-05 17:20:33.495 D/Mono ( 6514): Searching for 'java_interop_jnienv_throw'. 06-05 17:20:33.495 D/Mono ( 6514): Probing 'java_interop_jnienv_throw'. 06-05 17:20:33.495 D/Mono ( 6514): Found as 'java_interop_jnienv_throw'. An unhandled exception occured.

06-05 17:20:36.350 E/mono ( 6514): In mgmain JNI_OnLoad

06-05 17:20:36.350 E/mono ( 6514): Unhandled Exception: 06-05 17:20:36.350 E/mono ( 6514): System.MissingMethodException: bool Itinero.Attributes.IAttributeCollection.TryGetValue(string,string&) 06-05 17:20:36.350 E/mono ( 6514): at (wrapper dynamic-method) System.Object.a867fc51-9a31-4eee-b170-3b9b05e8c4e0(intptr,intptr,intptr) 06-05 17:20:36.355 E/mono-rt ( 6514): [ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.MissingMethodException: bool Itinero.Attributes.IAttributeCollection.TryGetValue(string,string&) 06-05 17:20:36.355 E/mono-rt ( 6514): at (wrapper dynamic-method) System.Object.a867fc51-9a31-4eee-b170-3b9b05e8c4e0(intptr,intptr,intptr) `

Don't know what I'm doing wrong. The osm.pbf file is from the Itinero file Server for testing purpose. I've downloaded it and pasted as resource. Then copied the resource at runtime to local app path.

Using the latest version of Itinero and Itinero.IO.Osm (1.4.0-pre59)

xivk commented 6 years ago

This is most likely due to a version mismatch somewhere, try adding Itinero (1.4.0-pre59) in the project directly.

Perhaps there is something wrong with the nugets.

xivk commented 6 years ago

Also, when working on mobile it's best to create your routing data offline and use that in the app. Usually that means:

  1. Preprocess OSM data and write the RouterDb to disk on a server/desktop machine. Usually you also add contracted versions of the routing data for the profiles you want to do routing for (car/bicycle/...)
  2. Load the RouterDb with the memory mapping option in your app.
  3. Use this RouterDb in the app while keeping the stream you loaded it from open. It will load data as needed and only the part of the network it needs.

There is more info in the docs:

Sonnenspeer commented 6 years ago

Adding the assemblies (Itinero, Itinero.IO.Osm, Reminiscence) directly to the project fixed it. This is strange, how can there be a missmatch when this is the very same assembly? I would love if this could be fixed anyhow for the nugets because referencing assemblies instead of nugets is not handsome.

Thanks for the advice above. Will use that for my mobile app.

xivk commented 6 years ago

Closing this, feel free to reopen if this is not closed for you.