itinero / routing

The routing core of itinero.
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Resolve point at custom routerdb #223

Open Sonnenspeer opened 6 years ago

Sonnenspeer commented 6 years ago

//edit: Answering my own question: Adding

profile.AddOrReplace("highway",  "pedestrian");

fixed it. Is this the correct way? What about an edge that is possible for all profiles? Is it then "residential" instead of "pedestrian"?


Refering to I've implemented my own custom routerdb with custom nodes and edges. So far it seems to work.

But trying to resolve a point that is clearly in the network still fails. I wanted to create a database for a pedestrian route. So far I have not assigned anywhere that this is limited to pedestrian but I got no limitations at all (as far as I understand). Using only a blank profile (might this be the problem?)

Error (Coordinates replaced by placeholder):

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> Itinero.Exceptions.ResolveFailedException: Could not resolve point at [XX.XXXXX, YY.YYYYY]. Probably too far from closest road or outside of the loaded network.

My code so far (shorted)

RouterDb routerDb = new RouterDb();

            var nodeIds = routerDb.VertexData.AddInt64("node_id");
            var edgeIds = routerDb.EdgeData.AddInt64("edge_id");

            uint counter = 0;

            // Mapper for nodes (id is not incremental) to map node ids from 0 to X
            Dictionary<int, uint> nodeToVertexMapping = new Dictionary<int, uint>();

            // Add nodes
            foreach (Node node in nodes)
                uint id = (uint)node.Id;

                // Ignore nodes without gps data
                if(node.Lat == 0 || node.Lon == 0)

                routerDb.Network.AddVertex(counter, (float)node.Lat, (float)node.Lon);

                nodeIds[counter] = counter;
                nodeToVertexMapping[node.Id] = counter;


            List<Edge> edges = GetAllEdges();

            // Add edges
            foreach (Edge edge in edges)
                uint sourceVertexId;
                uint targetVertexId;

                bool sourceNodeFound = nodeToVertexMapping.TryGetValue(edge.SourceNodeID, out sourceVertexId);
                bool targetNodeFound = nodeToVertexMapping.TryGetValue(edge.SinkNodeID, out targetVertexId);

                // Ignore broken edges (source or sink not found)
                if(!sourceNodeFound || !targetNodeFound)

                var profile = new Itinero.Attributes.AttributeCollection();

                // empty profile
                var profileId = routerDb.EdgeProfiles.Add(profile);

                var vertexSource = routerDb.Network.GetVertex(sourceVertexId); // sourceNodeId
                var vertexTarget = routerDb.Network.GetVertex(targetVertexId); // targetNodeId

                var distance = Coordinate.DistanceEstimateInMeter(vertexSource.Latitude, vertexSource.Longitude, vertexTarget.Latitude, vertexTarget.Longitude);

                List<Coordinate> shape = new List<Coordinate>

                var edgeId = routerDb.Network.AddEdge(sourceVertexId, targetVertexId, new Itinero.Data.Network.Edges.EdgeData()
                    Distance = distance,
                    Profile = (ushort)profileId
                }, new ShapeEnumerable(shape));

                edgeIds[edgeId] = vertexSource.GetHashCode() ^ vertexTarget.GetHashCode();


            Router router = new Router(routerDb);

            var routingProfile = Vehicle.Pedestrian.Fastest();

            //var start = router.Resolve(routingProfile, routerDb.Network.GetVertex(0).Latitude, routerDb.Network.GetVertex(0).Longitude);
            //var end = router.Resolve(routingProfile, routerDb.Network.GetVertex(1).Latitude, routerDb.Network.GetVertex(1).Longitude);
            var start = routerDb.Network.GetVertex(0);
            var end = routerDb.Network.GetVertex(1);

            // calculate a route.
            var calculatedRoute = router.Calculate(routingProfile, start, end);

Could it be that the given profile is not suitable? Does it need specific characteristics?

xivk commented 6 years ago

Sorry I don't have time to review this in much detail. You basically need to add:

This line is not correct:


This should be:
