itinero / routing

The routing core of itinero.
Apache License 2.0
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Question, Next point along Edge #308

Open juliusfriedman opened 4 years ago

juliusfriedman commented 4 years ago

Given an EdgeId of a RouterPoint and the EdgeId of another RouterPoint, if they do not match I would like to take the first EdgeId from the first RouterPoint and determine the next point in the Db.Network along the same edge.

Looking through the code I didn't see an easy way to accomplish this, if this something which is not possible would it be difficult to add? I would be able to take a shot at adding if you could provide some direction.

Thank you

xivk commented 4 years ago

You mean the vertex of the edge?

xivk commented 4 years ago

This could help:

juliusfriedman commented 4 years ago

Perhaps I do mean Vertex, but RouterPoint exposes EdgeId so I used that terminology.

Thanks for the quick response. I will take a look.

What I am trying to achieve is the ability to prevent side switching e.g. (N/S or E/W) tracks which run adjacent to each other, sometimes GPS resolves on the opposite side and we know based on the heading that it's on the adjacent track, rather than manipulate GPS I would like to find the next vertex which connects to the last known good point using something like GetNextLocation(edgeId) which would provide me the next location along the same edge of the first RouterPoint so I can use that instead of the point which was resolved on the adjacent side.

Thank you

juliusfriedman commented 4 years ago

I am going to give this a try, was wondering if this was the correct approach:

var edge = Router.Db.Network.GetEdge(lastPoint.EdgeId);

                                    var edge = routingClient.Router.Db.Network.GetEdge(lastPoint.EdgeId)

                                    resolved = Router.TryResolve(new[] { LocomotiveProfileShortest }, (float)ll.Latitude, (float)ll.Longitude, (r)=> r == edge, (float)50, new Itinero.Algorithms.Search.ResolveSettings() {  }, System.Threading.CancellationToken.None);

                                    if (resolved.IsError)
                                        System.Console.WriteLine($"Discarding non matching edgeID from previous {lastPoint.EdgeId} to {resolved.Value.EdgeId}");

                                    System.Console.WriteLine($"Re-Routed non matching edgeID from previous {oldEdge} to {resolved.Value.EdgeId}");

Was hoping to have a way to directly get the RouterPoint without having to call resolve as I already know the EdgeId

juliusfriedman commented 4 years ago

It seems that this is mostly working, there are some instances where points are resolving on adjacent tracks but I think that has something to do with the PBF or how it's converted into a graph network e.g. the EdgeId is the same for both sets of tracks which are close together...

More succinctly, Is there a direct way to go from a RouterPoint to the next forward or backward RouterPoint along the same exact Edge? E.g. the next Vertex which would correspond to a RouterPoint I think...

Thank you for your time and assistance!

juliusfriedman commented 4 years ago

I think that I got the hang of GetVertex as it seems to take values in terms of EdgeId.

var edge = Router.Db.Network.GetEdge(lastPoint.EdgeId);

                                    var vertex = Router.Db.Network.GetVertex(edge.To);

                                    uint oldEdge = resolved.Value.EdgeId;

I would then call TryResolve using the lat and lng from the vertex.

I am going to also give this a try and analyze and let you know what I find.

juliusfriedman commented 4 years ago

@xivk , Is there an easy way one can get a RoutPoint after they have a PositionAfter/PostionNext from a Route? or must one manually resolve the point obtained from PostionAfter/PositionNext and if so why is that?

juliusfriedman commented 4 years ago

@xivk still waiting for a quick way to get a RoutePosition or RouterPoint from PositionAfter etc.

Manually resolving seems unnecessary yet I don't see another obvious way besides manually building a Route with those manually built RoutePositions...