itinero / routing

The routing core of itinero.
Apache License 2.0
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Router CalculateWeight outputs with lots of float.MaxValue between RouterPoints #310

Open dmitrykudin opened 4 years ago

dmitrykudin commented 4 years ago

Hello! I'm currently trying to test some features from Itinero for my project, which is intended to optimize routes for delivery. My problem is that I'm getting too much float.MaxValue values after using CalculateWeight method.

I'm generating some random Coordinates on a map using the following code:

private static readonly Random Random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

private static Coordinate CoordinateFrom(RouterDb routerDb)
    var edgeId = Random.Next((int) routerDb.Network.EdgeCount);
    var vertexId = Random.Next((int) routerDb.Network.VertexCount);
    var vertex = routerDb.Network.GetVertex((uint) vertexId);
    var offset = Random.Next(ushort.MaxValue);

    var routerPoint = new RouterPoint(vertex.Latitude, vertex.Longitude, (uint) edgeId, (ushort) offset);
    return routerPoint.LocationOnNetwork(routerDb);

As a data sample I'm using one district of a city, which is bounded as from the following link:

For example, I can generate 5 points from this district:


With some generated points I'm trying to use .CalculateWeight method, but nearly always it returns matrix containing from 20 to 80 percent of float.MaxValue values. I tried to .CalculateWeight with default weight handler like in the following:

var withDefaultWeightHandler = router.CalculateWeight(Vehicle.Car.Fastest(), resolvedPoints, invalidCoordinates);

And the output is the following:

           2 3,402823E+38 3,402823E+38 3,402823E+38 3,402823E+38

3,402823E+38          8,8 3,402823E+38        110,2 3,402823E+38

3,402823E+38 3,402823E+38          1,8 3,402823E+38 3,402823E+38

3,402823E+38         78,9 3,402823E+38          0,6 3,402823E+38

3,402823E+38 3,402823E+38 3,402823E+38 3,402823E+38          0,8

Also, I tried to use .GetAugmentedWeightHandler like in the following:

var withAugmentedWeightHandler = router.CalculateWeight(
                .Select(x => x.Select(y => y.Time).ToArray())

And the output is the following:

           0 3,402823E+38 3,402823E+38 3,402823E+38 3,402823E+38

3,402823E+38            0     277,9613     103,8593 3,402823E+38

3,402823E+38 3,402823E+38            0 3,402823E+38 3,402823E+38

3,402823E+38     74,70394     264,8334            0 3,402823E+38

3,402823E+38 3,402823E+38 3,402823E+38 3,402823E+38            0

For RouterDb generation I'm using the following code:

private static RouterDb GetRouterDb(string filePath)
    RouterDb routerDb;
    using (var stream = new FileInfo(filePath).OpenRead())
        routerDb = RouterDb.Deserialize(stream);
    return routerDb;

I attached small demo project for this.

How can I reduce amount of float.MaxValue values in output matrix? What I'm doing wrong? Please assist here.

juliusfriedman commented 4 years ago

I think this was due to the use of the incorrect Algorithm being used it should be fixed in if not let me know and provide a repo and I will triple check, I think there is 1 more place a change needs to be made but @xivk has not reviewed the PR yet