itinero / routing

The routing core of itinero.
Apache License 2.0
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Route IsError #357

Open goroggy opened 1 year ago

goroggy commented 1 year ago

Hi there, I resolve my start and end points and check their connectivity, but sometimes this fails (can it fail?). Also when connectivity is OK, calculate() sometimes fails. I only need the total length of the route. _profile is Vehicle.Car.Fastest(). db is _routerDb.LoadOsmData(inStream, Itinero.Osm.Vehicles.Vehicle.Car); _routerDb.AddContracted(_profile);

Either I misunderstand these concepts or something is wrong.

       int distance = 0;          
       Result<RouterPoint> start = new Result<RouterPoint>("start");
        while( start.IsError && distance ++  < 10 )
            start = _router.TryResolve( _profile, origin.Lat, origin.Lng, distance * 10);
        if (start.IsError) return 0;

        distance = 1;
        Result<RouterPoint> end = new Result<RouterPoint>("end");
        while (end.IsError && distance ++ < 10)
            end = _router.TryResolve(_profile, destination.Lat, destination.Lng, distance * 10);
        if (end.IsError) return 0;

        if (!_router.CheckConnectivity(_profile, start.Value)
            || !_router.CheckConnectivity(_profile, end.Value)) return 0;

        Result <Route> route = _router.TryCalculate( _profile, start.Value, end.Value );
        return route.IsError ? 0 : route.Value.TotalDistance;
