itinycheng / flink-connector-clickhouse

Flink SQL connector for ClickHouse. Support ClickHouseCatalog and read/write primary data, maps, arrays to clickhouse.
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two table join in flink sink to clickhouse, update old data in mysql, it will delete this row in clickhouse and no insert #24

Closed xuanzhi201111 closed 8 months ago

xuanzhi201111 commented 2 years ago

I want use flink cdc sql create a wide table(sink_ck) in clickhouse, when I create two or more then two flink cdc source table from mysql , such as tb1 ,tb2.
I submit to a job in flink-client : insert into sink_ck SELECT a.*,b.order_name FROM tb1 a LEFT JOIN tb2 b ON a.order_id = b.order_id when tb1 row datas is update in mysql , the row will be delete in sink_ck , why ? I want tb1 row datas is update in mysql ,this row datas same update in clikchouse.

one table use flink cdc sink to clickhouse , insert \ update\ delete is No problem!

one table update is ok, message : INSERT INTO ck_order(id, order_id, merchant_code, merchant_name, create_time, update_time) FORMAT TabSeparated INSERT INTO ck_order(id, order_id, merchant_code, merchant_name, create_time, update_time) FORMAT TabSeparated ALTER TABLE flink.ck_order UPDATE order_id='20042100002', merchant_code='BU0000000002YGP', merchant_name='广州2贸易有限公司_2', create_time='2021-04-21 10:41:22', update_time='2022-04-25 10:33:58' WHERE id=2 ALTER TABLE flink.ck_order UPDATE order_id='20042100002', merchant_code='BU0000000002YGP', merchant_name='广州2贸易有限公司_2', create_time='2021-04-21 10:41:22', update_time='2022-04-25 10:33:58' WHERE id=2

wide table update ,it is delete, no alter table update: INSERT INTO ck_order_detail(id, order_id, merchant_code, merchant_name, create_time, update_time, order_name) FORMAT TabSeparated INSERT INTO ck_order_detail(id, order_id, merchant_code, merchant_name, create_time, update_time, order_name) FORMAT TabSeparated ALTER TABLE flink.ck_order_detail DELETE WHERE id=2 ALTER TABLE flink.ck_order_detail DELETE WHERE id=2

itinycheng commented 2 years ago

Is there any delete event generated by FlinkCDC? On the sink side, only records of RowKind.DELETE type will convert to delete SQL. Refer to:

zidane-wcp commented 1 year ago

我也遇到了同样的问题,用jdbc-connector sink到mysql是没问题的,用itinycheng/flink-connector-clickhouse sink到clickhouse时,在mysql中update左表的数据,在clickhouse被delete掉了。

itinycheng commented 1 year ago

@zidane-wcp @xuanzhi201111 This seems caused by the order of statement execution, execution order: insert -> update -> delete, refer to: ClickHouseUpsertExecutor.executeBatch. Check whether option sink.ignore-delete is ture, this conf will prevent the generation of delete statements.

zidane-wcp commented 1 year ago

@itinycheng Thank you for your reply. I tried with option sink.ignore-delete and it does not works. I modified the ClickHouseUpsertExecutor.executeBatch. It seems to solve my problem now, but I don't know if it will cause other problems.
@Override public void executeBatch() throws SQLException { for (ClickHousePreparedStatement clickHousePreparedStatement : Arrays.asList(deleteStmt, insertStmt, updateStmt)) { if (clickHousePreparedStatement != null) { attemptExecuteBatch(clickHousePreparedStatement, maxRetries); LOG.error("executeBatch==========================================================="); LOG.error(clickHousePreparedStatement.asSql()); } } }

itinycheng commented 1 year ago

@itinycheng Thank you for your reply. I tried with option sink.ignore-delete and it does not works. I modified the ClickHouseUpsertExecutor.executeBatch. It seems to solve my problem now, but I don't know if it will cause other problems. @Override public void executeBatch() throws SQLException { for (ClickHousePreparedStatement clickHousePreparedStatement : Arrays.asList(deleteStmt, insertStmt, updateStmt)) { if (clickHousePreparedStatement != null) { attemptExecuteBatch(clickHousePreparedStatement, maxRetries); LOG.error("executeBatch==========================================================="); LOG.error(clickHousePreparedStatement.asSql()); } } }

@zidane-wcp This is simply a statement execution order problem and the actual data order has been lost in a batch; No matter how to change the order, the problem will not be completely solved. I also have no better way to slove this at the connector side currently.

xuanzhi201111 commented 1 year ago

我也遇到了同样的问题,用jdbc-connector sink到mysql是没问题的,用itinycheng/flink-connector-clickhouse sink到clickhouse时,在mysql中update左表的数据,在clickhouse被delete掉了。

能把你的clickhouse连接器的jar包发给我测试一下吗? ,我不会代码,不知道怎么修改。

xuanzhi201111 commented 1 year ago

@itinycheng Thank you for your reply. I tried with option sink.ignore-delete and it does not works. I modified the ClickHouseUpsertExecutor.executeBatch. It seems to solve my problem now, but I don't know if it will cause other problems. @Override public void executeBatch() throws SQLException { for (ClickHousePreparedStatement clickHousePreparedStatement : Arrays.asList(deleteStmt, insertStmt, updateStmt)) { if (clickHousePreparedStatement != null) { attemptExecuteBatch(clickHousePreparedStatement, maxRetries); LOG.error("executeBatch==========================================================="); LOG.error(clickHousePreparedStatement.asSql()); } } }

@zidane-wcp This is simply a statement execution order problem and the actual data order has been lost in a batch; No matter how to change the order, the problem will not be completely solved. I also have no better way to slove this at the connector side currently.

作者,你好,你能把@zidane-wcp的修改合到进代码里吗,这样通过flinkcdc 把mysql关联后的宽表写到CK,修改也能正常同步了。

xuanzhi201111 commented 1 year ago

@itinycheng Thank you for your reply. I tried with option sink.ignore-delete and it does not works. I modified the ClickHouseUpsertExecutor.executeBatch. It seems to solve my problem now, but I don't know if it will cause other problems. @Override public void executeBatch() throws SQLException { for (ClickHousePreparedStatement clickHousePreparedStatement : Arrays.asList(deleteStmt, insertStmt, updateStmt)) { if (clickHousePreparedStatement != null) { attemptExecuteBatch(clickHousePreparedStatement, maxRetries); LOG.error("executeBatch==========================================================="); LOG.error(clickHousePreparedStatement.asSql()); } } }

@zidane-wcp 能把你的clickhouse连接器的jar包发给我测试一下吗? ,我不会代码,不知道怎么修改。

itinycheng commented 1 year ago

@itinycheng Thank you for your reply. I tried with option sink.ignore-delete and it does not works. I modified the ClickHouseUpsertExecutor.executeBatch. It seems to solve my problem now, but I don't know if it will cause other problems. @Override public void executeBatch() throws SQLException { for (ClickHousePreparedStatement clickHousePreparedStatement : Arrays.asList(deleteStmt, insertStmt, updateStmt)) { if (clickHousePreparedStatement != null) { attemptExecuteBatch(clickHousePreparedStatement, maxRetries); LOG.error("executeBatch==========================================================="); LOG.error(clickHousePreparedStatement.asSql()); } } }

@zidane-wcp This is simply a statement execution order problem and the actual data order has been lost in a batch; No matter how to change the order, the problem will not be completely solved. I also have no better way to slove this at the connector side currently.

作者,你好,你能把@zidane-wcp的修改合到进代码里吗,这样通过flinkcdc 把mysql关联后的宽表写到CK,修改也能正常同步了。

@xuanzhi201111 您好,这个代码并没真正解决乱序问题,所以不能合并; 你可以直接直接用上边的代码将ClickHouseUpsertExecutor.executeBatch覆盖一下即可,这只是一个执行顺序的调整; 另外,connector 默认sink.ignore-delete = true, 是不会写出delete语句的,这个配置应该是没问题的;如遇问题请详细给出版本和测试用例;

itinycheng commented 1 year ago

@xuanzhi201111 @zidane-wcp 修复了个sink.ignore-delete配置不生效的问题,应该能通过不生成delete来解决当前问题;