itisnajim / SocketIOUnity

A Wrapper for to work with Unity.
MIT License
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Error on serializing response #48

Open Hailiebaby16 opened 1 year ago

Hailiebaby16 commented 1 year ago

I'm tryring your sample code and i got this error Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error CS0012 The type 'JsonElement' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'System.Text.Json, Version= and

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error CS0411 The type arguments for method 'SocketIOResponse.GetValue<T>(int)' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly from this line of code.

ReceivedText.text += "Received On " + name + " : " + response.GetValue().GetRawText() + "\n";

itisnajim commented 1 year ago

response.GetValue().GetRawText() become response.ToString(), i didn't update the example folder, sorry !

Hailiebaby16 commented 1 year ago

Bro what if the response is an array of int. How can i get their values?

response.GetValue().GetRawText() become response.ToString(), i didn't update the example folder, sorry !

itisnajim commented 1 year ago
var obj = response.GetValue<YOUR_TYPE>();

replace YOUR_TYPE with the class name or the type you want to serialize to e.g YOUR_TYPE can be: string[], SomeClass, int and so on

already mentioned in the Readme:

Hailiebaby16 commented 1 year ago
var obj = response.GetValue<YOUR_TYPE>();

replace YOUR_TYPE with the class name or the type you want to serialize to e.g YOUR_TYPE can be: string[], SomeClass, int and so on

already mentioned in the Readme:

I've tried doing that but it gives me error. The only time i dont have error is when i use IList as my class but not able to access the value

itisnajim commented 1 year ago

check if the server send the correct data, maybe its a string rather that list of objects, this is not a list => "[\"item1\", \"item2\"]"

and i recommend to use a list wrapper instead of a direct list e.g a class named StringsList that has a property data of type string[]

without a debug log or a snippet of code i can't tell whats the cause of your problem.