itisnajim / SocketIOUnity

A Wrapper for to work with Unity.
MIT License
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HTTPS/WSS Client Side Setup #86

Open NPPprojects opened 2 months ago

NPPprojects commented 2 months ago

I've made a self-signed certificate to make https requests to my WebSocket server. However, I can't find any options for setting certificates on the Unity client end. Is that possible? Here is my current client-side code:

 public class WebSockets : MonoBehaviour {

        public SocketIOUnity socket;

        private string serverUrlLink = "wss://";

        private void Awake()
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => {
                return true; // Supposed to accept all certificates, perhaps only works with UnityWebRequest?

        private void Start()
            var uri = new Uri(serverUrlLink);

            socket = new SocketIOUnity(
                new SocketIOOptions {
                    Query = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "token", "UNITY" } },
                    EIO = 4,
                    Transport = SocketIOClient.Transport.TransportProtocol.WebSocket,

            socket.JsonSerializer = new NewtonsoftJsonSerializer();

            ///// reserved socketio events
            socket.OnConnected += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log("socket.OnConnected"); };
            socket.OnDisconnected += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log("disconnect: " + e); };
            socket.OnReconnectAttempt += (sender, e) => { Debug.Log($"{DateTime.Now} Reconnecting: attempt = {e}"); };

            socket.On("message", OnMessageReceived);
            NativeInputController.s_Press += OnPress;
            NativeInputController.s_DownSwipe += Disconnect;


        void Disconnect()

        void OnDestroy()

        private void OnPress()
            socket.EmitAsync("message", "Hello, server!");

        private void OnMessageReceived(SocketIOResponse evt)
            Debug.Log("Response received from server: " + evt.ToString());


Whenever I run this code, the client keeps trying to connect to the server and the server responds by outputting "accepted" repeatedly. Not running with certificates, the code runs fine.

NPPprojects commented 2 months ago

To anyone stuck on this, found a solution on the following forum:

Modified my code to https instead of wss and added the following:

public class WebSockets : MonoBehaviour

        public SocketIOUnity socket;

        private string serverUrlLink = "";
        class NoCheckCertificatePolicy : System.Net.ICertificatePolicy {

            public bool CheckValidationResult(ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate, WebRequest request, int certificateProblem)
                return true;


        private void Awake()
            System.Net.ServicePointManager.CertificatePolicy = new NoCheckCertificatePolicy();
        // rest of code