Configuration currently contains too many properties, making it unnecessary complex to configure TR. Therefore, we can remove all context path configuration properties and add configuration properties for hostname and port. This way, the endpoint addresses for the SOAP-based web services can be "computed" and the corresponding configuration properties can be removed.
[x] Remove context path properties for REST API endpoints and user front-ends
[x] Add properties for hostname and port
[x] Remove properties for SOAP API endpoint URLs and compute them
[x] Print all endpoint addresses to log on TR startup for easy usage by testbed administrators
[x] Rename portal.overlay.port to something more sensible (like e.g., portal.gateway_port)
[x] Update sample configuration files in deb-package modules
Configuration currently contains too many properties, making it unnecessary complex to configure TR. Therefore, we can remove all context path configuration properties and add configuration properties for hostname and port. This way, the endpoint addresses for the SOAP-based web services can be "computed" and the corresponding configuration properties can be removed.
to something more sensible (like e.g.,portal.gateway_port