Closed bughuntsman closed 4 years ago
Hi, Can I have a look at your view(.erb/.haml/.slim etc)?
.col-sm-12{ class: 'sortable' }
= f.fields_for :hotel_photos, @photos, include_id: false do |hotel_photo|
.col-sm-4{style: 'height: 150px; margin-bottom: 30px;', id: hotel_photo.object.sortable_id, class: 'nested-fields' + (hotel_photo.object.new_record? ? ' disable-sort' : '') }
= render 'hotel_photo_fields', f: hotel_photo
"hotel_photo_fields" - file
= f.hidden_field :id, value: f.object&.id
= image_tag f.object.image.url(:thumb) if f.object.image?
= f.file_field :image, class: "form-control hotel-photo filestyle", "data-input" => "false", required: false, accept: "image/png,image/jpeg"
= link_to_remove_association t(''), f, class: "btn btn-danger btn-xs btn-remove-image"
= f.input :tag, collection: ["N/A", "Fachada"] +
- if f.object.dimensions != [1440,960]
.text-danger Invalid size
I duplicated SortableController in my app and I noticed that token is taking apparently a wrong format and it is repeating many times.
I guess the duplicated params - "BAhJIhljbGFzcz1Ib3RlbFBob3RvLGlkPQY6BkVU--8cfc743f8c2bc6b2263a98545282dd989f7c8ca2"
- are for new records because they have got no their ids untill persisted.
How does it go with using the item
option in jquery?
// example
items: ':not(.disable-sort)'
You right! the problem is because of new records, but using item option did not work in this case, do you have another suggestion for handling ids for new records? I really thank for your help!
I think that should work... Please see the small example.
The problem is that toArray
methods returns ids including for new records.
Well, I only added a line for skipping token from new records and everything is working again. Anyway, really thanks for your help!!!
TOKEN_OF_NEW_RECORDS = "BAhJIhljbGFzcz1Ib3RlbFBob3RvLGlkPQY6BkVU--8cfc743f8c2bc6b2263a98545282dd989f7c8ca2"
def reorder
ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
params['rails_sortable'].each_with_index do |token, new_sort|
next if token == TOKEN_OF_NEW_RECORDS
model = find_model(token)
current_sort = model.read_attribute(model.class.sort_attribute)
model.update_sort!(new_sort) if current_sort != new_sort
head :ok
I'm getting the next error while I try to sort a list.
NoMethodError at /sortable/reorder
rails_sortable (1.3.2) app/controllers/sortable_controller.rb, line 27
I'm using '1.3.2' version.
Thank you in advance!