I found two problems with the scripts runall_sam2mappingstats.pl.
First of all, the script started running but never finished. I checked the script and I found a typo in line 156. There you have '$sample_dir' instead of '$sampledirs' specified earlier. Secondly, currently if you do not have the file with the total reads, the script only works if you have used the 'merged' option. But I only wanted to look at unique reads. I changed the script for my purposes, but maybe this should be added as an option to the script.
Thanks for catching the typo and reporting the issue. I've added -norm_u and -norm_nu options to runall_sam2mappingstats.pl and getstats.pl script, so you can use them for the unique reads.
Eun Ji
I found two problems with the scripts runall_sam2mappingstats.pl. First of all, the script started running but never finished. I checked the script and I found a typo in line 156. There you have '$sample_dir' instead of '$sampledirs' specified earlier. Secondly, currently if you do not have the file with the total reads, the script only works if you have used the 'merged' option. But I only wanted to look at unique reads. I changed the script for my purposes, but maybe this should be added as an option to the script.
Thanks, Jenny