its-a-feature / Mythic

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Failed to connect to rabbitmq #417

Closed pakahonta closed 1 week ago

pakahonta commented 1 week ago

Hello. Once, after creating mythic agent I couldn't connect to the UI with the error 502. mythic-cli logs mythic_server: 2024-10-15T18:31:36Z INF Attempting to connect to rabbitmq line=157 2024-10-15T18:31:36Z ERR Failed to connect to rabbitmq error="dial tcp connect: connection refused" line=171 2024-10-15T18:31:41Z INF Attempting to connect to rabbitmq line=157 2024-10-15T18:31:41Z ERR Failed to connect to rabbitmq error="dial tcp connect: connection refused" line=171

I reinstalled mythic, removed docker containers, reset database and I got errors above. Everytime.

./mythic-cli status: MYTHIC SERVICE WEB ADDRESS BOUND LOCALLY Nginx (Mythic Web UI) false Mythic Backend Server true Hasura GraphQL Console true Jupyter Console true Internal Documentation true

ADDITIONAL SERVICES ADDRESS BOUND LOCALLY Postgres Database postgresql://mythic_user:password@ true React Server true RabbitMQ amqp://mythic_user:password@ true

Mythic Main Services CONTAINER NAME STATE STATUS MOUNT PORTS mythic_documentation running Up 9 minutes (healthy) local 8090/tcp -> mythic_graphql running Up 8 minutes (healthy) N/A 8080/tcp -> mythic_jupyter running Up 9 minutes (healthy) local 8888/tcp -> mythic_nginx running Up 9 minutes (healthy) local 7443/tcp -> :::7443, 7443 mythic_postgres running Up 9 minutes (healthy) local 5432/tcp -> mythic_rabbitmq running Up 9 minutes (healthy) local 5672/tcp -> mythic_react running Up 9 minutes (healthy) local 3000/tcp -> mythic_server running Up 9 minutes (unhealthy) local 7000/tcp ->, 7001/tcp ->, 7002/tcp ->, 7003/tcp ->, 7004/tcp ->, 7005/tcp ->, 7006/tcp ->, 7007/tcp ->, 7008/tcp ->, 7009/tcp ->, 7010/tcp ->, 17443/tcp ->, 17444/tcp ->

Installed Services CONTAINER NAME STATE STATUS MOUNT apollo restarting Restarting (1) 15 seconds ago apollo_volume http running Up 9 minutes http_volume

2024/10/15 18:30:37 [] RabbitMQ is currently listening on localhost. If you have a remote Service, they will be unable to connect (i.e. one running on another server) 2024/10/15 18:30:37 Use 'sudo ./mythic-cli config set rabbitmq_bind_localhost_only false' and restart mythic ('sudo ./mythic-cli restart') to change this 2024/10/15 18:30:37 [] MythicServer is currently listening on localhost. If you have a remote Service, they will be unable to connect (i.e. one running on another server) 2024/10/15 18:30:37 Use 'sudo ./mythic-cli config set mythic_server_bind_localhost_only false' and restart mythic ('sudo ./mythic-cli restart') to change this 2024/10/15 18:30:37 [*] If you are using a remote PayloadType or C2Profile, they will need certain environment variables to properly connect to Mythic. 2024/10/15 18:30:37 Use 'sudo ./mythic-cli config service' for configs for these services.

Can u help me? Thanks

its-a-feature commented 1 week ago

you got this after just generating an Apollo payload? can you do sudo ./mythic-cli logs apollo as it seems that container is restarting. I'd also like to see sudo ./mythic-cli logs mythic_rabbitmq and docker stats

pakahonta commented 1 week ago

Actually, I often get 502 errors after generating payloads (apollo, merlin). For example, ealier after generating merlin payload I had to reinstalled mythic and then it worked. But now I dont understand..decided to look at the logs and create an issue here.

I reinstalled mythic without apollo and http. Uninstall with the following commands: sudo rm -r path_to_mythic sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps -q) sudo docker rm $(sudo docker ps -a -q)

So, sudo ./mythic-cli logs mythic_rabbitmq [+] updated config, echoing it out mqtt.allow_anonymous = false log.file = false log.default.level = error = false log.connection.level = error = critical log.upgrade.level = none log.federation.level = none log.mirroring.level = none log.queue.level = critical

default_user = mythic_user default_pass = a17IUtFjocKm9jz2hWcaI3LYYEG76E default_vhost = mythic_vhost listeners.tcp.default = 5672 =INFO REPORT==== 15-Oct-2024::18:21:25.118637 === alarm_handler: {set,{system_memory_high_watermark,[]}} 2024-10-15 18:21:37.994171+00:00 [notice] <0.44.0> Application syslog exited with reason: stopped 2024-10-15 18:21:38.009162+00:00 [notice] <0.254.0> Logging: switching to configured handler(s); following messages may not be visible in this log output

RabbitMQ 3.13.7

########## Copyright (c) 2007-2024 Broadcom Inc and/or its subsidiaries

########## Licensed under the MPL 2.0. Website:

Erlang: [jit] TLS Library: OpenSSL - OpenSSL 3.1.7 3 Sep 2024 Release series support status: see

Doc guides: Support: Tutorials: Monitoring: Upgrading:


Config file(s): /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf /etc/rabbitmq/conf.d/10-defaults.conf

Starting broker... completed with 5 plugins

docker stats: CONTAINER ID NAME CPU % MEM USAGE / LIMIT MEM % NET I/O BLOCK I/O PIDS bb0672bf37ea mythic_nginx 0.00% 9.754MiB / 1.917GiB 0.50% 7.04MB / 7.1MB 15.7MB / 4.1kB 4 95c8cf4906be mythic_react 0.00% 4.441MiB / 1.917GiB 0.23% 86kB / 6.78MB 6.48MB / 4.1kB 4 49df5bc48c37 mythic_rabbitmq 0.84% 132.9MiB / 1.917GiB 6.77% 12.6MB / 12.6MB 74.9MB / 680kB 31 c14f7c03cc00 mythic_server 0.00% 6.172MiB / 1.917GiB 0.31% 404kB / 622kB 27.2MB / 26MB 6 40602fa6e7b3 mythic_jupyter 0.01% 84.79MiB / 1.917GiB 4.32% 1.85kB / 0B 156MB / 20.5kB 3 64d29ba3754b mythic_postgres 0.08% 55.08MiB / 1.917GiB 2.81% 2.35MB / 2.37MB 67.4MB / 99MB 10 339cf6d34d8b mythic_graphql 0.79% 431.7MiB / 1.917GiB 21.98% 1.99MB / 1.74MB 122MB / 38.7MB 15 0bb40d4aad2d mythic_documentation 0.09% 47.42MiB / 1.917GiB 2.42% 1.85kB / 0B 62.8MB / 0B 9 32fff0b966c0 http 0.00% 6.641MiB / 1.917GiB 0.34% 0B / 0B 32.5MB / 32.3MB 7

its-a-feature commented 1 week ago

ah, I bet I see the issue. This system has 2GB of RAM? That's why you're seeing these issues after creating payloads. I think you should up the resources of the system to be 4-8 GB RAM. When you get that 502 error you don't need to completely stop and uninstall Mythic either, what I believe is happening:

I bet after it finishes building, things would restart and come back online, but it will keep happening. Because these agents are dynamically compiled each time, the resources needed are a bit higher than this system appears to be providing. I'd recommend 2-4 vCPU and 4-8 GB RAM.

pakahonta commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the replies! Yes, 2GB of RAM. How to remove mythic completely from my system and make a clean install?

its-a-feature commented 1 week ago

easiest is going to be:

sudo ./mythic-cli stop
sudo docker system prune -a
cd ..
rm -rf mythic

will stop Mythic, clear all docker images and volumes, and remove the cloned mythic folder

pakahonta commented 1 week ago

Thanks so much! I think this question has to be closed!