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Brainstorm a Topic #2

Open itsMarydan opened 1 year ago

itsMarydan commented 1 year ago

Main Idea: Murphy Online

Murphy Online:

Action Items: Personas: Userstory: Journey Mapping:

Students ( Undergrad and Grad) , Professors, Family Members, University Employees

Reviewer Personas, User Stories, Journey Map:

Undergrad Students -- Alfi

Grad --- Mary

Professor - Ansley

Family Members -- Alfi

Employee -- Ansley

Reviewer Competitive Analysis:

University of Minnesota Student Portal -- Alfi

Bank --- Mary

Work Day -- Ansley


  1. Login (Authentication and Session Management, White Screens )
  2. Hard to navigate
  3. Transition between sections (features) going from on service to the other feels like you are using multiple web apps (not seemless) (different visual queues makes it confusing) ?
  4. Navigation ( Back buttons and redirects)
  5. Having a consistent sticky navigation

Potential Competitive Analysis:

  1. University of Minnesota Student Portal
  2. Possibly University of Alabama
  3. University of St Cloud
  4. A Bank
  5. Work Day


Ask Students in other classes we are taking if they would like to participate: Make a Goggle Survey and Get feedback that way

Do an evaluation of Professer View and Student View -> Then make survey