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Question Poll Min 5 -- Alfi #6

Open AlfiGoyal opened 1 year ago

AlfiGoyal commented 1 year ago
  1. On a scale of 1-10, how user-friendly do you find Murphy Online?
  2. Are you able to easily navigate through Murphy Online to find what you need?
  3. How often do you encounter technical difficulties while using Murphy Online?
  4. Do you feel that Murphy Online adequately meets your needs as a student?
  5. Have you ever had difficulty finding a certain feature or resource on Murphy Online?
  6. How do you feel about the overall design and interface of Murphy Online?
  7. Is there anything in particular that could be improved about Murphy Online to enhance your user experience?
  8. Do you feel that you were provided with sufficient training on how to use Murphy Online when you first started using it?
  9. Are you satisfied with the speed and performance of Murphy Online?
  10. Overall, how would you rate your user experience with Murphy Online?