itsMeDavidV / Watchla-Support

This repository is dedicated for support with issues and bugs related to the Watchla beta & production apps
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Complications frequently not updating, slow to connect/gets stuck in failed wake loop #295

Open rogersmj opened 7 months ago

rogersmj commented 7 months ago

I’ve had Watchla for a few days (intending to switch from Tessie because I don’t want to pay the subscription and I don’t need all their stats) and am on v3.6.3 (361). I am frequently having issues with the complications on my watch not updating until I open them (repeatedly) and/or restart the app.

Two nights ago, I charged the car (to 80%), but in the morning when I looked at my watch, it still showed the < 50% charge from the day before.

Also, last night my wife took my Tesla (I was at home). The car was obviously awake, but after about 30 minutes when I glanced at my watch, the complication still showed the state of charge from when she left.

When I opened the Watchla app on my iPhone as part of troubleshooting, it repeatedly showed an error message about how it could not wake the car….even though the car was obviously awake (it was being driven) and I could see the car in Tessie and the official Tesla app. Tapping “Retry” on the error message in Watchla did nothing — it just popped up over and over again. The only thing that let me get past it was to have it Sign Out and then I had to go through the auth process again.

So at least one contributing factor to this lack of updating might be the app gets stuck in some loop/dead end after it has a slow wake cycle?

rogersmj commented 7 months ago

Every day or two, connection to the car fails and the app enters a dead end until I log it out and re-auth with Tesla. Today, I tapped the complication to start climate, and immediately got a token expired message. In the iOS app, I repeatedly get the failed to wake dialog even though the car is awake (verified in the official Tesla app).

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gielk commented 7 months ago

Having the exact same problem very disappointed after bought this app.

rogersmj commented 7 months ago

It literally never works. The complications never update, and when I open it, there's some kind of connection error.

Getting close to a week of this issue now and the dev hasn't responded.

I never have this issue with Tessie.

itsMeDavidV commented 7 months ago

Hi @rogersmj sorry about that! Sometime today there will be a new update coming out that addresses this. I encourage you to be on the look out for v3.6.5.

In short, there was a significant authentication protocol change that occurred recently by Tesla that made Watchla's old authentication management system no longer ideal. We've since overhauled authentication management in v3.6.5 and are seeing much better results.

rogersmj commented 7 months ago

Awesome @itsMeDavidV , just got the update and did the reauth. Looking good so far, I will see how it goes for a few days and then close this if we're good. Thanks.

itsMeDavidV commented 7 months ago

You're very welcome! Sorry about the issues you faced this week. It has been a turbulent time for the Tesla API, but we are always working on and updating Watchla to better adapt.

rogersmj commented 7 months ago

@itsMeDavidV The authentication/token expiration issues seem to have stopped, but the complications still aren't updating. This is something I noticed when the auth issues were happening too, but with the other things going on it was hard to isolate.

For instance, I did a couple of short drives in the car several hours ago that took the car's battery from 82% down to 79%. All this time later, the Watchla complication is still showing 81% (suggesting that it updated once at the start of the drive, but not since).

I opened up the Watchla watch app by tapping on the complication, and it still shows 81%. And it shows the climate on...which it's not. I took a screenshot from the official Tesla app on my phone at the same time, showing the actual state of the car.



rogersmj commented 7 months ago

I've deleted the Watchla app from the watch, deleted it from iOS, reinstalled, re-setup the virtual key...the watch app remains non-functional. There's no error message, it just doesn't work. No data, no control. On iOS, the app reports that it is getting vehicle data (green check mark at the bottom).

My main use case is to check battery charge and turn on climate. As an aside, closing the climate screen on the watch app rarely works. Tap Climate button -> Tap Power on Climate screen -> Tap the "X" in the upper left 10+ times and the screen won't close. I have to force quit the app.


This is getting really frustrating, a week after I bought this app it's still non-functional 90%+ of the time.

itsMeDavidV commented 6 months ago

Hi @rogersmj can you update to v3.6.6 and report back? Thanks!

rogersmj commented 6 months ago

@itsMeDavidV Updated iOS app to 3.6.6. Removed the Watch app, reinstalled it. Watch app still has no data — no error message, but also no data.

rogersmj commented 6 months ago

@itsMeDavidV Any updates or any other troubleshooting steps I can take here?

gielk commented 6 months ago

I still have the same problem today, also tried the reinstalling the app but no luck. incoming-0BD524EE-2AF4-4C34-A4FD-F2BF0A50929D incoming-7EBACE14-79FF-4685-A8A6-935A06E132C5

veitch123 commented 6 months ago

Same problem here. On latest version. Caught in won’t wake loop. ElZ7kJG9Fz

mdang84 commented 6 months ago

In the latest version 3.6.6 and still having issues with the complications are not updating. Same as everyone else here.

itsMeDavidV commented 6 months ago

Hi @rogersmj sorry to hear what happened with the watch app for you. Have you had a chance to update to 3.6.7 yet? And if so, is data still not populating in the watch app for you?

itsMeDavidV commented 6 months ago

Same problem here. On latest version. Caught in won’t wake loop.

@veitch123 sorry about that, that looks incredibly annoying. In v3.6.8 we are testing a fix for the wake-loop and I've had an in-app beta invite sent over to you if you want to test the fix. Beta invites can be found in the Preferences screen in the iOS app.

If because of this annoying loop you can't access the invite, please shoot us a message via so that we can send you an invite. Please be sure to reference this issue if you do.

itsMeDavidV commented 6 months ago

In the latest version 3.6.6 and still having issues with the complications are not updating. Same as everyone else here.

@mdang84 and others: we've made improvements to complications in v3.6.7 and are continuing to improve them. You should see less and less issues with them as more updates come.

rogersmj commented 6 months ago

Hi @rogersmj sorry to hear what happened with the watch app for you. Have you had a chance to update to 3.6.7 yet? And if so, is data still not populating in the watch app for you?

@itsMeDavidV Yes, I have 3.6.7 now. Watch app still has no data at all. Phone app works (ish), although it will sometimes show an error about getting vehicle data and then a moment later be perfectly fine.

I don't know if this tells you anything, but on the Watch app, when I go to Preferences -> Select Vehicle, there is no vehicle listed.

itsMeDavidV commented 6 months ago

@rogersmj Can you send over your support code via so that I can take a look at your case and report back?

rogersmj commented 6 months ago

@itsMeDavidV I sent my code, did you receive it? I haven't heard anything back.

rogersmj commented 6 months ago

@itsMeDavidV Any update? There are dozens of threads now with similar issues. Are you going to be able to fix this or should I ask Apple for a refund?

itsMeDavidV commented 6 months ago

Hi @rogersmj sorry about the late reply, as you can imagine we have a lot of things on our plate at the moment.

A few things:

Hope this finds you well!

rogersmj commented 6 months ago

@itsMeDavidV Thank you, the latest version combined with uninstalling/reinstalling the Watch app again resolved the issue. Closing.

itsMeDavidV commented 6 months ago

@rogersmj glad to hear that, you're very welcome!

rogersmj commented 6 months ago

Well @itsMeDavidV I have to reopen this, because I'm back to the original problem from this ticket now that all the authentication stuff is (mostly) taken care of: complications aren't updating.

Frequently, the complication is just blank (see screenshot):


When tap on the complication, the app will connect to the car and display accurate data. But I return to the watch face and the complication still has no data. Additionally, even when the complication does show data, it is often out of date — it will show me a charge level that I know is quite old.

rogersmj commented 6 months ago

Another data point: even when the complication isn't blank, it's just wrong/not updating. Today, all day (for 8+ hours), it's been showing state of charge at 63%. My wife drove the Tesla to work, and it didn't drop. Not until just now, 8 hours later, when I tap on the complication, wait for it to fetch new data, then it finally reflects 60% (the actual current battery charge).

So in other words, it's never updating in the background. I requires me to interact with it before it will update.

rogersmj commented 5 months ago

Complication still doesn’t update on its own 90%+ of the time. Currently it’s showing the charge level the car had 2 days ago. When I open it, it does connect and update.

@itsMeDavidV Anything? Now approaching 2 months with this app basically not working.

BernardTesla commented 5 months ago

Have the app about two weeks now. Complications never updates just stuck on the same battery percentage for the last 10 days. Sometimes it does what is asked of it such as open frunk when I press on the icon, sometimes it doesn't and just gives some 401 error. Randomly asks me to resign watch in on the iOS app. Not a great experience so far.

gielk commented 5 months ago

How can we apply for a refund of this app? It is not working as showed in the App Store.

rogersmj commented 5 months ago

@gielk Here's info on how to get a refund:

I've had the app 2 months now and after half a dozen updates to "fix" things, it still never works. I'm also going to request a refund.

rogersmj commented 1 week ago

I came back to this app to try it again after a while, hoping this issue would be fixed, but it’s not. The complications on the watch still get stuck for days or weeks, until I tap on the complication and force it to update. The phone app always works. I have tried reconnecting and reinstalling. It never changes anything. Looking at the issue list, I’m not the only one that has this problem.

The Tessie app complications work flawlessly, by the way, but they have a subscription model because they have all that data analytics and I don’t really care about that stuff. I would love for Watchla to work properly.