itsTripp / Platformer_Shooter

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Add Throwable Items #17

Open itsTripp opened 2 years ago

itsTripp commented 2 years ago

Design and Create items that can be thrown and have an effect.

Ex: A Grenade.

The player will have a throwable item bar on the HUD by the player's health and ammo count. They will start with zero throwable items. When the player picks up a specific pickup item, they will gain one throwable item with a maximum of 3(unless the player purchases a perk card that raises that amount).

When the player throws a throwable item, they will expend one of the throwable slots and the HUD will update.

The player can sort through the list of collected throwable items and select which one they want to throw since each throwable item can have a different effect.

Ex: A Rubix Cube throwable will act as a grenade and explode after a couple of seconds, sending tiny multi-colored pixels in the area. While a Chia Pet throwable will act as a mine and only detonate when an enemy steps on it, causing vines to appear and hold the enemy in place for a very short time.

This system has a few other things that should be thought about and discussed.

AfterMath24 commented 2 years ago

Goal is to complete this by 2/14

AfterMath24 commented 2 years ago

Throwable weapons will just be an additional button press that spawns the currently equipped throwable, which will be a projectile with its own characteristics.

Example throwable will be a "grenade" that will just look like a circle sprite that after a few seconds will explode causing damage and knockback in a trigger area, scaled based on proximity to the explosion center.

AfterMath24 commented 2 years ago

Need to create a Damage Radius component that determines damage based on proximity to origin of "explosion".