itsdarrylnorris / lazydubuntu

(Deprecated) Setting Up my Drupal Enviroment in Ubuntu
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Virtual Host Support with Drush #21

Open itsdarrylnorris opened 9 years ago

itsdarrylnorris commented 9 years ago


In order to setup a Drupal installation, we need to created a new virtual host and then move to a directory and then install download a Drupal core and then setup the database.


We need to integrate Drush 7x as flag. For instance

newsite hostname -d7 

This is going to run create a virtual host and configure all the drupal files similar to the following steps.

cd /var/www/hostname #Move to working directory. Remember that newwebsite can change depends on your hostname.
sudo rm index.html # Remove the test website
sudo drush dl drupal-7 # For D8 just change to drush dl drupal-8
cd drupal-7* 
sudo mv * .[^.]* ..
cd ..
sudo rm -rf drupal-7*  # Remove unnecessary folder
sudo cp sites/default/default.settings.php sites/default/settings.php
sudo chmod a+w sites/default/settings.php
sudo chmod a+w sites/default