As a user
I want to verify that my JWT works
So that I can start using the API
Given: a user has registered with the API
And: the user has a JWT access token
When: the user sends a GET request to /ping
Then: the server responds with a 200 OK
Given: a user has registered with the API
And: the user doesn't have a JWT access token
When: the user sends a GET request to /ping
Then: the user responds with a 401 Unauthorized
User story
As a user I want to verify that my JWT works So that I can start using the API
Given: a user has registered with the API And: the user has a JWT access token When: the user sends a GET request to /ping Then: the server responds with a 200 OK
Given: a user has registered with the API And: the user doesn't have a JWT access token When: the user sends a GET request to /ping Then: the user responds with a 401 Unauthorized
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