Hello, I really reaaaallly appreciated your article on improving privacy. I see that for private message, you advised people to use signal, however I do feel like Session would have its place here ! I don't know what's your take on Session but it doesn't require a phone number to be able to use it so I do feel like this is the go to (as it has been for me). Besides Session, Silence is also a SSMS app that could be a more user-friendly alternative !
Hello, I really reaaaallly appreciated your article on improving privacy. I see that for private message, you advised people to use signal, however I do feel like Session would have its place here ! I don't know what's your take on Session but it doesn't require a phone number to be able to use it so I do feel like this is the go to (as it has been for me). Besides Session, Silence is also a SSMS app that could be a more user-friendly alternative !