itsgoingd / clockwork

Clockwork - php dev tools in your browser - server-side component
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Fall release 🍂 (Clockwork 6.0) #498

Open itsgoingd opened 3 years ago

itsgoingd commented 3 years ago

This issue tracks the progress on the next major release (Clockwork 6.0), scheduled for Fall 2021.

Clockwork 6.0 will be the next major release introducing new features, improvements and focusing on polishing the overall user experience.

Must have

The most important changes most likely to make it into the release.

Nice to have

The less important changes and changes unlikely to make it due to time constraints or implementation concerns.

Release schedule

Clockwork follows a loose yearly release schedule with one major release in late summer / fall and multiple minor releases in-between.

mahagr commented 3 years ago

One very useful feature for big data would be to be able to select which log messages to filter (error, info, debug individually), just like PHP debugbar does with its tags. It shows all the used log levels as "tags", which you can click on to enable or disable them.

This could be even implemented instead of profiling levels, giving more freedom to what will be logged. As in large applications, it is pretty useful to have more levels than just the log ones. I generally use dot-separated levels, such as debug.login.

Another feature I would add to the list with PHP 7.x support is to have proper docblocks and phpstan tests.

itsgoingd commented 3 years ago

Well, we already can filter by log level via the search input, eg. level:error. This has been supported for a long time, but still needs to be documented. Or made more obvious in general, maybe even by adding additional buttons for the log level as you suggest.

The idea behind profiling levels is to avoid collecting unnecessary data, lessening the performance impact and disk usage. Eg. the routes list is something I would typically leave disabled as I don't really need it day-to-day. But it might prove useful like once a month when I'm debugging some routing issue.

It would be cool to be able to tell Clockwork "for my next few requests also collect routes" from the Clockwork app itself. Or collect cache query values only for particular requests. Or collect a more detailed profile for one in 100 requests. Etc.

mahagr commented 2 years ago

@itsgoingd Any progress on this one?

itsgoingd commented 2 years ago

@mahagr Hey, thanks for the interest!

Unfortunately I don't have any good news to share. I barely started working on this. So no new release this year. :(

itsgoingd commented 2 years ago

Figured out I should post some update, since Summer/Fall 2021 is already long in the past and Clockwork 6 clearly was not released.

Unfortunately I was lacking time and motivation to work on the new release last year and couldn't meet my self-imposed yearly release schedule. Instead of rushing things or delaying the release, I've decided to completely skip on the 2021 major release.. what could be a good thing after all! As this gives me way more time, a full year (well, like 8 months at this point), to work on a more ambitious and bigger release.

This year I've not been much more successful so far. I've been experimenting with some new UI ideas (planning on a bigger UX revamp), but haven't done much else. But I feel more productive days coming.

I just wanted to make sure nobody thinks this project is dead or anything, I'm fully committed to delivering a new Clockwork release. At some point.

I might start posting some updates when things start moving on my blog or twitter, so feel free to follow me at @itsgoingd if you care.

Wulfheart commented 2 years ago

+1 for Ajax request support. It is quite annoying when using it together with livewire. Maybe (!) I have the time to provide some fix specifically for Laravel Livewire requests.

Braunson commented 5 months ago

Has this project become forgotten? I see recent updates to the master branch but no releases since exactly 2 years ago?

itsgoingd commented 5 months ago

Hey, new releases are coming this year. Btw. the last release still works completely fine, even with the latest Laravel release, I use it daily myself. :)

Braunson commented 5 months ago

@itsgoingd Awesome, yeah no issues right now using the current release but there's some new features listed that would be really nice to have. 😄 ie. Livewire/ajax request support, improved Symfony support, request replay, Laravel Auth support, etc.

mattvb91 commented 5 months ago

Just wanted to 👍 for show duplicate queries in the performance tab when not using eloquent relationships. Would be really nice to be able to neatly spot mysql raw queries too

@itsgoingd any chance you could tag the current master as its been nearly 2 years.