Could this code :
var useGetInstance = window.bootstrap && window.bootstrap.Popover && window.bootstrap.Popover.getInstance
be changed by
var useGetInstance = window.Popover && window.Popover.getInstance || window.bootstrap && window.bootstrap.Popover && window.bootstrap.Popover.getInstance
And this.popoverTarget.popover be changed .
Today the plugin is compatible with bootsrtrap 5 only by including all bootstrap 5 in the code
Could this code :
var useGetInstance = window.bootstrap && window.bootstrap.Popover && window.bootstrap.Popover.getInstance
be changed byvar useGetInstance = window.Popover && window.Popover.getInstance || window.bootstrap && window.bootstrap.Popover && window.bootstrap.Popover.getInstance
be changed .Today the plugin is compatible with bootsrtrap 5 only by including all bootstrap 5 in the code