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Incorrect/Missing method name in Stock Sequence Diagram in DG #13

Open itsmejr257 opened 2 months ago

itsmejr257 commented 2 months ago

The Stock Command Sequence diagram appears to show that the Command class is calling the activate() method from the StockActivate class. However, the code appears to be calling the start() method instead

The sequence diagram i am referring to is :


The code snippet i am referring to is :


The diagram also does not seem to state what method StockActivate is calling in StockStorage, as the line connecting to the activation bar to StockStorage is empty. Should there be a play() at this solid line too?

nus-pe-bot commented 2 months ago

Team's Response

Screenshot 2024-04-21 at 2.15.29 PM.png

This is to keep the diagram simpler.

Items for the Tester to Verify

:question: Issue response

Team chose [response.NotInScope]

Reason for disagreement: Hi. Thank you for clarifying. However, I do believe that there is a difference between keeping a diagram simple and keeping a diagram correct . In this case, the invoked method does not exist within Stock Storage. As a reader of the DG, the presence of an unused method, along with the absence of the actual method, in this case, the play() method from StockActivate to StockStorage and the activate() method instead of play() in the self-invocated method in Stock Storage, would definitely cause occasional inconvenience to the reader. However, given that the class names are still correct, the reader can simply head over to the respective class files to continue using the product.

Therefore, I would be diagreeing with this being NotInScope as it should be accepted.

## :question: Issue severity Team chose [`severity.Low`] Originally [`severity.Medium`] - [x] I disagree **Reason for disagreement:** Hi. Thank you for clarifying. However, I do believe that there is a difference between keeping a diagram simple and keeping a diagram **correct** . In this case, the invoked method does not exist within Stock Storage. As a reader of the DG, the presence of an unused method, along with the absence of the actual method, in this case, the play() method from StockActivate to StockStorage and the activate() method instead of play() in the self-invocated method in Stock Storage, would definitely cause confusion occasional inconvenience to the reader. In this case, i would be looking through the files trying to find an non-existent method. However, given that the class names are still correct, the reader can simply head over to the respective class files to continue using the product. Therefore, I would be disagreeing with this flaw in terms of severity as it should still be Medium