Closed xiaomilii closed 7 years ago
"react-native": "^0.39.2", "react-native-video-controls": "^1.1.1" video length of 8 minutes and 1 second ,first display correct ,but next second display 8 minutes and 59 second ...
RE: Seekbar not showing. Are you adding custom styles to the player?
no , my code: render() { return ( <VideoPlayer source={{ uri: '' }} /> ); }
yes , on Samsung Galaxy s6 -6.0.0 - api 23
I can confirm that this is also happening on Android 6.0.0.
RN 0.42.0 RNV 1.0.0 RNVC 1.1.1
1.1.1 was made for v39.2 of RN and 0.9 of RNV...if you update to 1.2 of RNVC do you still get issues? What's your test device?
I can confirm this issue with the RN Version 0.43.2. Also the Controls didn't disappear/appear on touch. :(
edit the VideoPlayer.js and you just remove "flex: 1" on the stylesheet to show up the seekerbar
const styles = { player: StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, <-- remove this alignSelf: 'stretch', justifyContent: 'space-between' },
I Have the same problem, the seekbar does not appears on screen and after few times video controls hide and does not appears too! I`m running on Android!
removing flex:1 from videoplayer.js stylesheet fixed the seekbar issue for me in android.
Thanks for the help @ne0z
My package.json is as follows:
"react": "16.0.0-alpha.6", "react-native": "0.44.0", "react-native-video": "^1.0.0", "react-native-video-controls": "^1.2.0",
Removing display flex worked, but I still don't see the seeker handle :( Could it be caused by playing m3u8 file instead of mp4?
Not likely...I'd say it's because it's absolutely positioned...I'd guess when you remove flex it renders outside of the screen area.
Same issue here:
flex: 1
from the containerHas anyone found a fix yet?
I have been looking into this issue. I think it has to do with the fact that Android does not allow views to overflow. Messing around with the styles, I can get the seek bar handle to show up (but it is cut off by the parent views). Is anyone still working on this? A solution would be awesome!
Same issue. And removing display flex does not worked for me in android.
package.json: "react": "16.0.0-alpha.12", "react-native": "0.46.1", "react-native-video": "^1.0.0", "react-native-video-controls": "^1.3.0",
If anyone is looking for a solution for seeker bar on Android. Use this to modify your VideoPlayer.js. It will fix your seeker bar for android. I've created a pull request, and it might take some time. If you are in hurry to fix it just modify the VideoPlayer.js according to the provided link.
Thanks for the pull...this should be good
I still meet this issue
Can you tell me your version and show me your code? Are you using a .ts file?
"react-native": "^0.45.1", "react-native-video-controls": "^1.2.0",
source={{uri: this.state.videoUrl}}
// react-native-video options
playInBackground={ false } // play audio when entering background
playWhenInactive={ false } // [iOS] continuing playing when notification centre active
// resizeMode={ 'cover' } // 'contain' or 'cover' should be used.
paused={ false } // stop playback entirely
repeat={ false } // Repeats at end of duration
muted={ false } // Mutes the audio entirely.
title={ '' } // Video title, if null title area is hidden
volume={ 1 } // 0 is muted, 1 is normal.
rate={ 1 } // 0 is paused, 1 is normal.
// settings
controlTimeout={ 15000 } // hide controls after ms of inactivity.
seekColor={ '#ED298A' } // fill handle colour of the seekbar
onError={this._handleError.bind(this)} // Fired when an error is encountered on load
onBack={this._backHandler.bind(this)} // Function fired when back button is pressed.
onEnd={ () => {this.handlePlayEnd()}} // Fired when the video is complete.
Update the video controls package. You’re using a year old version that didn’t have this fix in it.
@kylemilloy what version do you think I should use?
What version of RN, what version of react-native-video-controls and how long is the video?