itsshivamku / CPP-Programming

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NUMBER GESSING GAME using C++ Programming #4

Open itsshivamku opened 1 year ago

itsshivamku commented 1 year ago





using namespace std; void rules(); int main() { string playerName; int balance; int bettingAmount; int guess; int dice;
char choice; srand(time(0));
cout << "\n\t\t=====WELCOME TO CASINO WORLD==\n\n"; cout << "\nwhat is your Name : "; getline(cin, playerName); cout << "\n\nenter the startin balance to play game :"; cin >> balance; do { system("cls"); rules(); cout<<"\n\nyour current balance is :" << balance << "\n"; do { cout<<"Hey,"<<playerName<<",enter amount to bet :"; cin>>bettingAmount; if(bettingAmount > balance) cout<<"betting balance can't be more than current balance!\n" <<"\nRe-enter balance\n "; } while(bettingAmount>balance); do { cout<<"guess any betting number between 1 to 10 :"; cin>>guess; if(guess<= 0||guess>10) cout<<"\nNumber should be between 1 to 10\n" <<"re-enter number:\n "; }while(guess<=0||guess>10); dice=rand()%10+1; if(dice==guess) { cout<<"\n\nyou are in win,You have won Rs."<<bettingAmount10; balance=balance+bettingAmount10; } else { cout<<"oops, better luck next time , you lost Rs "<< bettingAmount <<"\n"; balance = balance - bettingAmount; } cout<<"\nThe winning number was : "<<dice<<"\n"; cout<<"\n"<<playerName<<", you have balance of Rs "<<balance<<"\n"; if(balance==0) { cout<<"you have no money to play "; break; } cout<<"\n\n-->do you want to play again (yes/no)? "; cin>>choice; }while(choice=='Yes'||choice=='yes'); cout << "\n\n\n"; cout << "\n\nthank you for playing the game. Your balance is Rs "<<balance<<"\n\n"; return 0; } void rules() { system("cls"); cout << "\t\t======CASINO NUMBER GUESSING RULES!======\n"; cout << "\t1.choose a number between 1 to 10\n"; cout << "\t2.winner get 10 times of the money bet\n"; cout << "\t3.wrong bet, and you lose the amount you bet\n\n"; }

itsshivamku commented 1 year ago





using namespace std; void rules(); int main() { string playerName; int balance; int bettingAmount; int guess; int dice;
char choice; srand(time(0));
cout << "\n\t\t=====WELCOME TO CASINO WORLD==\n\n"; cout << "\nwhat is your Name : "; getline(cin, playerName); cout << "\n\nenter the startin balance to play game :"; cin >> balance; do { system("cls"); rules(); cout<<"\n\nyour current balance is :" << balance << "\n"; do { cout<<"Hey,"<<playerName<<",enter amount to bet :"; cin>>bettingAmount; if(bettingAmount > balance) cout<<"betting balance can't be more than current balance!\n" <<"\nRe-enter balance\n "; } while(bettingAmount>balance); do { cout<<"guess any betting number between 1 to 10 :"; cin>>guess; if(guess<= 0||guess>10) cout<<"\nNumber should be between 1 to 10\n" <<"re-enter number:\n "; }while(guess<=0||guess>10); dice=rand()%10+1; if(dice==guess) { cout<<"\n\nyou are in win,You have won Rs."<<bettingAmount10; balance=balance+bettingAmount10; } else { cout<<"oops, better luck next time , you lost Rs "<< bettingAmount <<"\n"; balance = balance - bettingAmount; } cout<<"\nThe winning number was : "<<dice<<"\n"; cout<<"\n"<<playerName<<", you have balance of Rs "<<balance<<"\n"; if(balance==0) { cout<<"you have no money to play "; break; } cout<<"\n\n-->do you want to play again (yes/no)? "; cin>>choice; }while(choice=='Yes'||choice=='yes'); cout << "\n\n\n"; cout << "\n\nthank you for playing the game. Your balance is Rs "<<balance<<"\n\n"; return 0; } void rules() { system("cls"); cout << "\t\t======CASINO NUMBER GUESSING RULES!======\n"; cout << "\t1.choose a number between 1 to 10\n"; cout << "\t2.winner get 10 times of the money bet\n"; cout << "\t3.wrong bet, and you lose the amount you bet\n\n"; }