itsthejoker /

The source code for a small website to compare pieces of printed filament.
MIT License
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Suggestion: More information about manufacturer #117

Open stritti opened 1 week ago

stritti commented 1 week ago

Hi, you created a great database. I would like to suggest to add some more Infos for manufacturers. I know it is all about maintaining data, to much could be bigger invest to hold them correct. So i would like to suggest just minimum data:

itsthejoker commented 1 week ago

Hi there!

I actually do already store the link to the homepage for the manufacturer, it's just not rendered. I suppose I could make it available; I'll look into it.

As for country of manufacture, the best I could really do is "potential country of the company", as many companies are very tight-lipped about where they get their filament from if they do not make it themselves (and sometimes even if they make it themselves). I've looked into maintaining this data, but Filament Stories has honestly done a really good job with it.

stritti commented 1 week ago

oh, haven't known that site. Looks really good. Maybe some cross links would be nice in that case 😅