itsthejoker /

The source code for a small website to compare pieces of printed filament.
MIT License
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Suggestions: Printing-Settings #118

Open stritti opened 3 days ago

stritti commented 3 days ago

I already had the idea to create a database with printer specific settings for the filaments which could be used within the slicers.

What do you think about integrating such an option?

itsthejoker commented 2 days ago

Given the sheer number of different printers and their specifics (retraction, cooling abilities, etc) and the multitude of different slicers, this data isn't something I want to host. I perceive that the potential for getting angry emails of "your settings don't work on my printer" is way higher than the amount of use that they'll get.

Since I do provide rough values for hot end and bed temps, are there any other generic values I can provide for starting someone's own profile? Maybe print speeds?

stritti commented 2 days ago

Hm, yes I understand your concerns. I thought about community based suggestions. Probably with star rating.

I think retraction and print speed are are interesting in addition to best temperatures.

But surely, it could be a complete own project.