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Conjure Minor Elementals #1

Open itteerde opened 3 weeks ago

itteerde commented 3 weeks ago

I think limiting it to Melee Attacks would be enough. I am not aware of any ways to explode Melee Attack numbers with neither Concentration nor Action Surge.

The best I can see with only Melee Attack is the Valor Bard dipping two Level Fighter. Probably should do the math.

itteerde commented 3 weeks ago

Should probably have a problem statement, too:

(* {{4, 64}, {5, 125}, {6, 204}, {7, 301}, {8, 416}, {9, 549}} *)
itteerde commented 1 week ago

I think just restricting it to Melee Attack might do it, too (alternative to the current perceived internet goto). Not sure if that is the right way, but the numbers should work, too. Probably still best to have it cap at three times per Turn. I don't like what seems to be the goto for most currenty, making the scaling 1d8, as I don't see an easy way for Druid to get any nice damage with it then. And I do like the idea to open up a new fighting option for Druid pre Level 17.

itteerde commented 1 week ago


At Spell Level 4 it is actually pretty bad, except again with Scorching Ray. So definately no nerf all across the board. Really broken are so far only Scorching Ray and Valor Bard with Eldritch Blast (the latter being all about just breaking this, so not even sure if that would qualify as needing a fix, Scorching Ray abuse does).

itteerde commented 1 week ago

Don't go the Melee route. Starry Form can use Conjure Minor Elementals. Don't nerf it for Druid (except Scorching Ray, which would be 2014 Wildfire or very involved Multiclassing)

itteerde commented 1 week ago

So I am back to limiting it to three procs per Turn

itteerde commented 1 week ago

"You conjure spirits from the Elemental Planes that flit around you in a 15-foot Emanation for the duration. Until the spell ends, any up to three attacks you make on a turn deals an extra 2d8 damage when you hit a creature in the Emanation. This damage is Acid, Cold, Fire, or Lightning (your choice when you make the attack).

In addition, the ground in the Emanation is Difficult Terrain for your enemies.

Using a Higher-Level Spell Slot. The damage increases by 2d8 for each spell slot level above 4."

itteerde commented 1 week ago

Valor Bard 11 (dips Fighter 1)



is upcast for three procs



is without upcast

itteerde commented 6 days ago
itteerde commented 6 days ago


You conjure spirits from the Elemental Planes that flit around you in a 15-foot Emanation for the duration. Until the spell ends, any attack you make while using Wildshape or with a Spell Attack from a spell found on the Druid Spell List deals an extra 2d8 damage when you hit a creature in the Emanation. This damage is Acid, Cold, Fire, or Lightning (your choice when you make the attack).

itteerde commented 6 days ago
(* CME, Wild Shape (Elephant), Attack *)
moondruid[level_]:=With[{ss=Min[Ceiling[level/2],9]},Join[{0},Table[2(2d[8]+6+(ss-6)2 2d[8])+(2d[10]+6+(ss-6)2 2d[8]),9]]];

think this is okay. note that the to-hit is the form's (I believe), so the higher levels become big swing and miss, the precise math needing the new tools (but certainly worse than a fixed True Polymorph Blue Abishai while this takes an Opportunity Attack every Turn, is Melee, cannot do other stuff, cannot fly, ...)

irmejnah commented 4 days ago

trying more detailed/readable explanation in wiki