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Rebooting Infomorph: Resleeving Tests? #3

Closed itteerde closed 3 months ago

itteerde commented 3 months ago

Does Rebooting (pg. 261, 264) cause any Resleeving Tests (pg. 288) for Infomorphs?

itteerde commented 3 months ago

It might or might not apply to Cyberbrain. I think the outcome will be no to the question overall anyways, so that can be discussed if it should turn out to end with either or both of the Resleeving Tests to be applied.

PhDaveMil commented 3 months ago

Maybe? My original answer was yes. I am not so sure after gathering quotes. An infomorph is considered to be "alive" only so long as it is actively run on a device. As soon as no device in existence is running the infomorph, the infomorph is considered to be "dead." There is, however, a line of text that makes it questionable whether a reboot counts as death or not. This follows from the following:

"Whereas a backup is just an inactive file, infomorphs are software executables, active programs that bring the ego to electronic life." (Page 252)

"Every infomorph must be run on a specific host or server — your home device. . . . Your home device stores your mind-state files and handles the processing needs of your mind-emulation suite." (252, emphasis added)

"The safety of your home device is important. If it is shut down, you shut down with it, rebooting along with the device later. If the device is destroyed, you are killed, though your data may be recoverable from salvaged components . . ." (252)

That last seems to suggest a difference between rebooting and death. Given that last line, I think that rebooting certainly should not induce a SOM check. It does, however, still create a continuity breach. It isn't like sleep, for literally no electronic processes run the informorph when its home device is fully shot down. Given the tables on page 229, I think that should call for a WILL check or 1d6 Stress damage from the Alienation category.

itteerde commented 3 months ago

Resleeving Stress Test (pg. 289):

The Resleeving Stress Test incorporates all of the mentally challenging aspects of downloading into a new body into a single test: alienation, continuity, remembering death, and lack.

itteerde commented 3 months ago

Do you think that going unconcious (even for 3-18s) will require some Resleeving Tests for a Biomorph, @PhDaveMil ? If not I think we can come to a solid no to the whole issue question, right?

PhDaveMil commented 3 months ago

The difference is that an unconscious body is still biologically alive--or on--in the way that a rebooted device isn't, at least momentarily. I think that if someone suffered brain death for 3-18 seconds and then had some tech bring them back from the brink--rebooting their brain--then they would also suffer continuity loss and need to roll a WILL check or suffer 1d6 stress.

itteerde commented 3 months ago

Given the tables on page 229, I think that should call for a WILL check or 1d6 Stress damage from the Alienation category.

itteerde commented 3 months ago

Continuity (pg. 107):

Most people back up often to minimize the risk of lack and regularly record an experience playback (XP) lifelog of their own daily lives so they can “catch themselves up” if an unexpected death occurs.

I do not conceed that this 🔴risk is only about the difference between 1d6 and 1d10, but I do conceed that it is a possible reading.

PhDaveMil commented 3 months ago

Final ruling: Rebooting does not require any form of resleeving test. I personally think it should induce a Stress test for Continuity disruption, but I will rule as per the common interpretation of the EP2e Discord. My current understanding is that their ruling is that it does not. Waiting for final confirmation before I set my decision in stone.