Closed Mrsergo22 closed 1 year ago
i'm trying to decode a full folder
There seems to be an issue with the syntax used. Can you try below command:
E:\DECODER>for %f in (.\album*.m4a); do ia_mpeghd_testbench.exe -ifile:"%f" -ofile:"%~nf.wav"
The decoded outputs get generated in "E:\decoder".
PS: there is a backslash before *.m4a which is not visible because of syntax things. Ensure to put proper path.
Hi! Am I doing something wrong? cause I keep getting this error This is the command i use: E:\DECODER>ia_mpeghd_testbench.exe for %f in (E:/decoder/album/*.m4a); do ia_mpeghd_testbench -ifile:"%f" -ofile:"%~dpnf.wav" -ifile:%f
my decoder is in this directory : E:\decoder\ files i want to decode in this directory : E:\decoder\album