ittybittyapps / appstoreconnect-cli

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List, Read, Create, Modify, Delete Beta Build Localizations #222

Closed orj closed 3 years ago

orj commented 3 years ago

🗣 Context

Usually after uploading a build using altool you want to be able to update the what's new (changeling) details of a build. Having this capability built into asc would be very useful.

💬 Narrative

As a user I want to be able to List, Read, Create, Modify, & Delete beta build localisations So that I can see and update the whatsNew details of builds I've uploaded

📝 Notes

🎨 Design

asc testflight builds localization {list,create,read,update,delete} <bundleId> <preReleaseVersion> <buildNumber> <locale> <changelog>

The changelog could be read in from stdin (default) or perhaps specified via a file (-i changelog.txt).

✅ Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN there is a localisation for the specified build, preReleaseVersion & locale WHEN I request that localisation THEN the localisation information is displayed

GIVEN there there are localisation for the specified build & preReleaseVersion WHEN I request a list of localisations for that build THEN a list localisations is displayed

GIVEN I do not specify a changelog on the command line WHEN I create a localisation THEN the changelog is read from standard input