ittybittyapps / appstoreconnect-cli

An easy to use command-line tool for interacting with the Apple AppStore Connect API
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Add sync pull command entry point #225

Closed adamjcampbell closed 3 years ago

adamjcampbell commented 3 years ago

📝 Summary of Changes

Changes proposed in this pull request:

⚠️ Items of Note

Causes fatalError when attempting to run pull when it is unimplemented

Unsure if we want to merge unimplemented commands or if this should be a draft

🧐🗒 Reviewer Notes

💁 Example

Unimplemented Usage

$ swift run asc testflight sync pull

Fatal error: Unimplemented command: file /Users/adam/Developer/appstoreconnect-cli/Sources/AppStoreConnectCLI/Commands/TestFlight/Sync/TestFlightPullCommand.swift, line 26

Generated Help

$ swift run asc testflight sync pull --help

OVERVIEW: Pull down existing TestFlight configuration, refreshing local configuration files.

USAGE: asc testflight sync pull [--api-issuer <uuid>] [--api-key-id <keyid>] [--csv] [--json] [--table] [--yaml] [--verbose] [--filter-bundle-ids <filter-bundle-ids> ...] [--output-path <output-path>]

  --api-issuer <uuid>     An AppStore Connect API Key issuer ID. (default: @env:APPSTORE_CONNECT_ISSUER_ID)
        The value for this option can be obtained from the AppStore Connect portal and takes the form of a

        If not specified on the command line this value will be read from the environment variable
  --api-key-id <keyid>    An AppStoreConnect API Key ID. (default: @env:APPSTORE_CONNECT_API_KEY_ID)
        The value for this option can be obtained from the AppStore Connect portal and takes the form of
        an 10 character alpha-numeric identifier, eg. 7MM5YSX5LS

        If not specified on the command line the value of this option will be read from the environment

        The environment will be searched for key with the name of APPSTORE_CONNECT_API_KEY. The contents
        of this environment key are expected to be a PKCS 8 (.p8) formatted private key associated with
        this Key ID.

        If the APPSTORE_CONNECT_API_KEY environment variable is empty, in the incorrect format, or not
        found then the following directories will be searched in sequence for a private key file with the
        name of 'AuthKey_<keyid>.p8': ./private_keys, ~/private_keys, ~/.private_keys and
                          Display results in specified format. (default: table)
  -v, --verbose           Display extra messages as command is running.
  --filter-bundle-ids <filter-bundle-ids>
                          Filter the app configurations by the specified bundle IDs
  --output-path <output-path>
                          Path to the folder containing the TestFlight configuration. (default:
  -h, --help              Show help information.

🔨 How To Test

As the command is unimplemented there is not much to test yet.

adamjcampbell commented 3 years ago

@DechengMa I have added CommandError it throws a much more ergonomic looking error now:

$ asc testflight sync pull

Error: This command has not been implemented
Program ended with exit code: 1