itu-square / symsim

SQUARE Symsim is a test-bed for implementing reinforcement learning algorithms, formalizing their correctness properties, and testing them. It is implemented in Scala 3, in purely functional style, and uses property-based testing.
Apache License 2.0
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Separate slow tests (experiments) from fast tests #174

Open wasowski opened 2 years ago

wasowski commented 2 years ago

and configure CI to only run fast tests.

wasowski commented 2 years ago
mohsen-ghaffari1992 commented 1 year ago

@wasowski , Is it still possible? since we have moved from scalatest to scalacheck. I googled it and all I found was for scalatest except munit. It seems filtering for scalacheck is possible with this package. I added it into LibraryDependencies, and tried to import in one of the test objects (i.e. CarSpec) but scala was complaining that "not found munit". Would you please give me a hint?