itx-informationssysteme / jobapplications

This TYPO3 extension enables you to manage job postings, provides you with an application form and a backend module to manage incoming applications.
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Exception after sending the application form (Enabled debug output) #129

Closed zenoussi closed 1 week ago

zenoussi commented 10 months ago

I get the following message in the ddev development environment, instead of the success page:

_(1/1) #1476107295 TYPO3\CMS\Core\Error\Exception PHP Runtime Deprecation Notice: strreplace(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($replace) of type array|string is deprecated in /var/www/html/vendor/itx/jobapplications/Classes/ViewHelpers/Format/ReplaceStringViewHelper.php line 32

However, the emails are sent correctly (MailHog).

Greetings Ulli

ghost commented 9 months ago

I can't reproduce this, can you tell me for which ViewHelper call (ideally which parameters) this occurs?

zenoussi commented 9 months ago

Unfortunately, I don't know what you mean by ViewHelper call. I use the following settings in the plugin [jobapplications_applicationform]:

[settings.successPage]: Bewerbung versendet [pages_244]
[settings.pageTitle]: %postingTitle%
[settings.emailSenderName]: Handicap KG
[settings.sendEmailToContact]: [1]
[settings.sendEmailToApplicant]: [1]
[settings.sendEmailToApplicantSubject]: Ihr Interesse an der Handicap KG: %postingTitle%

Hallo %applicantFirstName% %applicantLastName%!
Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen "%postingTitle%" schauen wir uns gerne aufmerksam an und kommen wieder auf Sie zu.

[settings.saveApplicationInBackend]: [0]
[settings.showSalarayExpectation]: [0]
[settings.showEarliestDateOfJoining]: [0]
[settings.showMessage]: [0]
[settings.linkPrivacy]: t3://page?uid=201
[settings.honeypot]: [1]
[pages]: Jobapplication [pages_243]
[recursive]: [0]
ghost commented 9 months ago

What I meant was, to take a look at the ViewHelper inputs specifically for the replacement argument as that seems to be the one causing the crash.

Weirdly enough the ViewHelper should already have checked for null because all arguments are required... not sure whats happening there.

benjasper commented 1 week ago

Let us know, whether this is still an issue for you. Closing it for now