itzg / docker-minecraft-bedrock-server

Containerized Minecraft Bedrock Dedicated Server with selectable version
MIT License
1.2k stars 227 forks source link

feature RQ -- Bedrock Worlds backup #86

Open MattrCoUk opened 4 years ago

MattrCoUk commented 4 years ago

My server's been been working great on my MacMini, thanks to this repo! With few friends we've started building a village, with people connecting at various times. It would be a shame if all wonderful builds they create got destroyed.

Bedrock server has the built-in backup functionality which works as I tested. But it is far from automated.

It involves tying in the server console save hold, save query, copy world files and save resume.

I was wondering if it would be somehow possible to automate it. Run with an interval. Perhaps a shell script in the container sending mentioned commands to the Bedrock console and then copying files to an external volume.

I could work on this but don’t have clue where to start...

Maybe I could use something like Expect?

itzg commented 4 years ago

I agree that it would be really nice to automate that process, but yes it would need to be something that could inspect the save query and react accordingly.

Right now the server process is wrapped by this helper tool I developed

That tool is currently generic to any type of containerized process; however, I'm thinking I need to spin off a bedrock server specific version of that. With that it could expose bedrock-specific operations such as doing a backup.

Enhancing that Go-based tool might have been more than what you were offering, but that's where I would see the enhancement happening. I have been wanting to expose console access via a web API anyway, so I might prioritize working on both of these changes soon myself.

MattrCoUk commented 4 years ago

Great stuff! thanks!

MattrCoUk commented 4 years ago

btw.. If you play MC yourself it would be a pleasure to invite u to our lil server, it’s great fun. Let me know!

itzg commented 4 years ago

I'm kind of a solitary LAN-server player, but yeah I should really get out there in the "world" ;) Shoot me your server address in email ( or DM me on Discord and I'll jump on sometime.

MattrCoUk commented 4 years ago

I’ve created a little script that seems to be working fine on 1.16.1, thought I share. It requires expect and can be run with cron or lunchd every half hour or so. (You might need to verify your docker path by running which docker)

#!/usr/bin/expect --

set world_dir <dirs>/worlds
set docker_container <container name>
set world_name <world name>
set backup_dest “<dirs>"
set timestamp [timestamp -format {%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M}]
set world_compress_timeout 240
set world_arch_mv_timeout 30
# log_file <path>backup-world.log  # the log file might get large quickly!

spawn /usr/local/bin/docker attach --detach-keys=Q $docker_container
expect "DEBU*”

while true {

  send "save hold\r"
  expect "Saving...*" { break }
  expect "The command is already running*" { break }
sleep 1

while true {

  send "save query\r"
  expect "Data saved.*" { break }

while true {

  send "Q"
  expect eof { break }

spawn bash
send "cd \"$world_dir\"\r"
expect "*$ "

set timeout $world_compress_timeout
send "tar -zcf $world_name.$timestamp.tgz $world_name\r"
expect "*$ "

set timeout $world_arch_mv_timeout
send "mv $world_name.$timestamp.tgz \"$backup_dest\"\r"
expect "*$ "
send "exit\r"
expect eof

set timeout 10
spawn /usr/local/bin/docker attach --detach-keys=Q $docker_container
expect "DEBU*"
while true {

  send "save resume\r"
  expect "Changes to the level are resumed.*" { break }

while true {

  send "Q"
  expect eof { break }
DocBrown101 commented 4 years ago

Here is my simple backup-script. Works since one year!


docker-compose -f "/home/daniel/dropbox/data/docker/3-minecraft/docker-compose.yml" down

_day="$(date +'%A')" _file="minecraft-data-${_day}.tar" _path="/home/daniel/dropbox/data/docker-backup/${_file}"

tar -P -cf ${_path} --exclude='bedrock_server*' /home/daniel/docker-data/minecraft --overwrite

docker-compose -f "/home/daniel/dropbox/data/docker/3-minecraft/docker-compose.yml" up -d --build

wedgef5 commented 3 years ago

I'm sort of new to Minecraft, and I'm investigating setting up a Bedrock server to run on our LAN for our kids and a few of their friends. I don't have a clear understanding of the process of backing up worlds. When you speak of commands like "save hold" and "save query", is that to facilitate backing up a running server? Would it be an acceptable workaround to periodically stop the server, make a backup of the worlds folder and then start the server, assuming this is done when the server is definitely not in use?

itzg commented 3 years ago

@wedgef5 yes, doing the backup while the server is stopped would be a great alternative.

Kaiede commented 3 years ago

Just wanted to comment that I've been playing around with a tool that can do these sort of backups. I started by creating a CLI tool I could run via systemd on the docker host, and I recently containerized it with a bit of help from reading through the docker-mc-backup scripts. It is able to backup a running server just fine, but it does require access to the host's docker.sock file in order to accomplish this.

It's a bit rough around the edges at the moment because it's not what I'd consider fully containerized and so the config file contains values it doesn't actually need, but it is what I've been using for about 3 weeks now (via systemd) and the last few days (via docker) on my own two-server host.

Docker Hub: GitHub: CLI Tool:

itzg commented 3 years ago

Awesome. @Kaiede when you're ready for it, I would be happy to add a "Backups solutions" section to the README that links to your image.

Kaiede commented 3 years ago

I've done the cleanup I want to do around the configuration. I think I've managed to get it to the "minimum viable product" state that I'm happy with, and the changes have shown to be stable on my home server. So feel free to add the reference.

Mostly worried that the documentation needs some revision, but at this point, will have to see where folks get hung up on configuring things.

itzg commented 3 years ago

There it is:

MattrCoUk commented 3 years ago

This is awesome. I’m just wondering how that compares performance-wise vs just making dumps of a world via MC server’s CLI and just tar-ing them? My server runs on a quite low-RAM machine stretched up to limit so wondering if another docker container would take-up much resources.

itzg commented 3 years ago

Containers don't add any memory overhead, so @Kaiede 's backup container would only occupy the memory for the bash script to sleep most of the time. Since the tool is compiled from Swift, I'm guessing it has very low memory footprint for those moments it runs.

Kaiede commented 3 years ago

The processes running in the container on my server are eating about 4KB of RAM total while sleeping. When backing up my two containers and trimming the backup list (one 80MB world, and a 300MB world), the peak RAM stayed under 60MB (RSS) and took less than one second (NVMe SSD). I don’t see this growing a lot with larger worlds, since the buffers are fixed in size.

Since the tool is compiled from Swift, I'm guessing it has very low memory footprint for those moments it runs.

Depends on what you compare it to. Something like the POSIX suite of tools are hard to beat. But compared to say, the node process for manymine, or dockerd, it uses less. The Swift runtime isn’t quite as good as the C/C++ runtime in memory usage.

MattrCoUk commented 3 years ago

I've done the cleanup I want to do around the configuration. I think I've managed to get it to the "minimum viable product" state that I'm happy with, and the changes have shown to be stable on my home server. So feel free to add the reference.

Mostly worried that the documentation needs some revision, but at this point, will have to see where folks get hung up on configuring things.

Just setting a new world for my server so decided to finally give it a go :-) Hunged-up on paths config... :-|

docker-compose for my server for reference:

version: '3.4'

    external: true


    container_name: emer2

    image: itzg/minecraft-bedrock-server
      # blah...

      - 19133:19132/udp
      - 39134:39134
      - 39134:39134/udp
      - 39135:39135
      - 39135:39135/udp
      net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range: 39134 39135

      - emer2_vol:/data

    stdin_open: true
    tty: true
    restart: unless-stopped

      image: kaiede/minecraft-bedrock-backup
      name: emer2_backup
      restart: always
        - "bds2"
        BACKUP_INTERVAL: "3h"

        - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
        - /opt/bedrock/backups:/backups
        - /opt/bedrock/server:/server

I would like to save the backup in e. g. /Volumes/Storage/mine/emer2/backup/world. Do I need to create an external volume and define it in docker-compose, similarly as I do for the data volume? or do I just replace the /opt/bedrock/backups bit. Also is the external data volume going to work with the above setup?

(also not sure if should just post this in

itzg commented 3 years ago

@MattrCoUk since you designated emer2_vol external, then yes you'll need to create that yourself. You also need to attached emer2_vol to the backup container at /data in order to point it at the content to backup.

wedgef5 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for working on this @Kaiede

Will this solution also work on a Win10 host with appropriate path changes?

Kaiede commented 3 years ago

I would like to save the backup in e. g. /Volumes/Storage/mine/emer2/backup/world. Do I need to create an external volume and define it in docker-compose, similarly as I do for the data volume? or do I just replace the /opt/bedrock/backups bit. Also is the external data volume going to work with the above setup?

@MattrCoUk : My example for the backup is mostly there to give an idea what's possible. Whatever you map to /backups is where backup files get written to, and where config.json is expected to be, by default. So replace /opt/bedrock/backups with whatever you want so you can access things externally, such as /Volumes/Storage/mine/emer2/backup/world. I will say one thing though, is that I have never quite figured out how to deal with named volumes for restoring backups. It's honestly easier to restore while the server and backup containers are shut down, which makes it harder to access named volumes (something I never figured out how to do). So I'd generally recommend using external volumes for both containers so it's possible to shut down the containers, unzip the *.mcworld file into the world folder, and then start the containers back up.

Will this solution also work on a Win10 host with appropriate path changes?

@wedgef5 : In principle, it should, the same way running the container on macOS works. They both have to virtualize Linux to run either the backup container or the bedrock server container. So just keep in mind that paths inside the container are still going to be *nix paths.

MattrCoUk commented 3 years ago

So I’ve set it up on both of my worlds and it seems to be working splendidly!

here’s my docker-compose for reference uses 2 external volumes

version: '3.4'
  # create volumes before running docker-compose:
  # docker volume create --opt device=path/to/server/data --opt o=bind bs_data_volume --opt type=none
  # docker volume create --opt device=path/to/backup --opt o=bind bs_backup_volume --opt type=none
    external: true
    external: true

    container_name: bedrock_server
    image: itzg/minecraft-bedrock-server
      - bs_data_volume:/data
    # ... etc.

    container_name: bs_backup
    image: kaiede/minecraft-bedrock-backup
    restart: always
      - "bedrock_server"
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - bs_backup_volume:/backups
      - bs_data_volume:/server


server's container_name and the service name has to be the same for backups to work correctly would be nice to have an option to run backups on schedule (such as 6:00AM, 12:30PM etc.)

Kaiede commented 3 years ago

server's container_name and the service name has to be the same for backups to work correctly

docker-compose will name a container with a prefix if you don't specify the container_name manually. So if I have my compose file at: /opt/mygreatserver/docker-compose.yml and name the service bedrock_server the container winds up being named mygreatserver_bedrock_server, and other containers get the same prefix, effectively grouping them together. As long as the name docker itself sees is in the config.json, it will work.

So yeah, naming it explicitly is a good way to keep things easier to remember and work with for sure.

would be nice to have an option to run backups on schedule (such as 6:00AM, 12:30PM etc.)

Feel free to open an issue on my github repo for this. I intentionally left it out of the first iteration because:

I figured being able to trim the backups, and run them a bit more frequently would help address some of the need for cron scheduling in the short term at least.

itzg commented 3 years ago

I agree with @Kaiede about the hesitations for directly supporting cron schedules. At the risk of being a heavy answer to an easy question, but kubernetes CronJob workloads are a robust way to support scheduled container activities

MattrCoUk commented 3 years ago

I’ve noticed that on one of my servers the backup produces some additional files. Other server with a similar backup settings doesn’t have them. Wonder if those are important.

Screenshot 2021-06-24 at 10 56 24
Kaiede commented 3 years ago

I’ve noticed that on one of my servers the backup produces some additional files.

Right now, when a backup is fired, all worlds detected in the worlds folder for a server are backed up. A “valid” world is one where there is a folder with “levelname.txt” inside, and the tool can extract a useful string from that file.

The main issue here is that since the tool is unaware of what world the server is using, or if the user might have swapped out the worlds between backups firing, it just backs it all up. This is something I can probably document better.

So what’s likely happening here is that you’ve got a second folder in your server’s worlds folder, and it’s levelname.txt file contains the string “PMC87f…”. I can’t really say anything about what created that folder in your case, but if you were to dig into your server directory and find that folder, and clean it up, these extra backups would stop being made. Being only 6KB in size, it almost seems like a world that was “created” but never properly named or logged into.

MattrCoUk commented 3 years ago

I’ve noticed that on one of my servers the backup produces some additional files.

Right now, when a backup is fired, all worlds detected in the worlds folder for a server are backed up. A “valid” world is one where there is a folder with “levelname.txt” inside, and the tool can extract a useful string from that file.

The main issue here is that since the tool is unaware of what world the server is using, or if the user might have swapped out the worlds between backups firing, it just backs it all up. This is something I can probably document better.

So what’s likely happening here is that you’ve got a second folder in your server’s worlds folder, and it’s levelname.txt file contains the string “PMC87f…”. I can’t really say anything about what created that folder in your case, but if you were to dig into your server directory and find that folder, and clean it up, these extra backups would stop being made. Being only 6KB in size, it almost seems like a world that was “created” but never properly named or logged into.

Ahhhh, I forgot that I had to change the server's name temporarily in order to verify it on planet.minecraft. It generated a new world..... Silly me! Great feature with backing up all worlds automatically btw.

claflico commented 3 years ago

Would anybody be able to help me understand the backup process a bit better? I've been reading about "save hold", "save query", screen, expect, etc. for a couple of hours now and still not quite comprehending everything.

Taking the docker commands (docker stop, docker start, docker attach) out of the picture; if we wanted to take a backup from INSIDE the running container is there a straightforward process for doing so?

@Kaiede I've looked at your BedrockifierCLI tool and that looks like it is used outside of the docker container, am I interpreting that correctly?

Thank you for any guidance or information.

Kaiede commented 3 years ago

Taking the docker commands (docker stop, docker start, docker attach) out of the picture; if we wanted to take a backup from INSIDE the running container is there a straightforward process for doing so?

Not really. You need to have access to the input/output of the server's console to issue commands to do this safely. So while you could write a script that runs inside the container, it would look a lot like a script that runs outside the container. The crux of taking a backup while the server runs relies on issuing the "save hold" and "save resume" commands. Those commands are there to tell the server to stop writing to disk for a moment so the backup can be made ("save hold"). Once the backup is made, you can issue "save resume" again to tell the server it's safe to write to disk again. Needing access to the server's console is what makes it a bit of a pain to get backup scripts working right.

The alternative is to shut down the server, make the backup and start it again instead, which achieves the same result, but brings down the server for anyone logged in while it does it. (This is the docker stop/start approach)

Docker itself isn't necessarily why it is complicated, and makes both approaches above a bit easier, to be honest.

I've looked at your BedrockifierCLI tool and that looks like it is used outside of the docker container, am I interpreting that correctly?

It currently assumes that the server to be backed up is in a docker container, but the tool itself can be used outside a container. I used it what way to backup my server container for a bit while I was working on the containerized version of the backup tool. But it doesn't support being used either in the same container as the server, or if the server isn't in a docker container at all.

The catch is that BedrockifierCLI can only really be built for Mac/Linux (Swift on Windows is still pretty experimental). So the containerized backup tool is honestly more compatible, and more "set and forget".

wedgef5 commented 3 years ago

I've gotten this solution working on Win10 Pro. Thanks to @Kaiede for putting it together! Below is my docker-compose.yml which is using a mount to the host NTFS filesystem. Docker will issue a warning about this due to relatively poor performance of using Windows host FS mounts like this. I figure with the relatively low amount of IO that it shouldn't be an issue. I've also been investigating using a WSL2 Ubuntu instance to host the backup data, but I haven't actually tried it yet. It seems that it should be possible, though. My primary goal is to have the backed up worlds out of the container where they can be picked up by my cloud backup solution (iDrive). The easiest way to achieve that is for the backup to be on the host FS.

version: '3.4'

    image: itzg/minecraft-bedrock-server
    container_name: bedrock_server
    restart: always
      EULA: "TRUE"
      SERVER_NAME: "Home Server"
      WHITE_LIST_USERS: "wedgef5"
      GAMEMODE: creative
      DIFFICULTY: normal
      ONLINE_MODE: true
      - 19132:19132/udp
      - bds:/data
    stdin_open: true
    tty: true
    image: kaiede/minecraft-bedrock-backup
    container_name: bedrock_backup
    restart: always
      - "bedrock"
      TZ: "America/Chicago"
      - //var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - G:/Minecraft-Backup:/backups
      - bds:/server
  bds: {}
Kaiede commented 3 years ago

@wedgef5 Plumbing data around is always a pain, for sure.

Since I use B2 for my NAS backups already, I added a duplicati container to handle uploading my backups directory to a B2 container that houses my VM backup data. It looks like duplicati can be configured to upload to iDrive as well. That would let you wrap the whole thing up in either a Ubuntu VM or WSL2 setup.

I generally found a Hyper-V or VMWare VM was a bit more efficient (power, performance) than using Docker Desktop.

wedgef5 commented 3 years ago

I got it working with a WSL2 Ubuntu instance. In the docker-compose.yml just substitute the following for the backups volume...

- \\wsl$$\Ubuntu\data\Minecraft-backup:/backups

I looked at Duplicati, and they don't appear to support "regular" iDrive backup. I think iDrive may have some other product that leverages S3 under the hood, but I found a Duplicati feature request ticket for iDrive, and they were unable to do it. iDrive does, fortunately, have a set of Perl scripts that can yield backup capability in a *nix VM.

tuxpeople commented 1 year ago

First and foremost, I'd like to thank. Thank you very much @itzg and @Kaiede for your efforts!

I know this is an old issue, but I still have questions ;-)

@Kaiede Am I assuming right that both the cli and container of your backup utility expect to run on a docker host and to have access to the docker socket? If true, I unfortunately can't use it, as I run my servers on Kubernetes.

My second assumption is that the way @DocBrown101 is saving his worlds (backing up the data directory) only works reliably if you stop the servers. I assume otherwise I can end up with a corrupt backup. Therefore that's also not an option. If the server doesn't need to be stopped, I could easy backup the PV containing the data.

I then read trough @itzg backup section of the bedrock helm-chart readme. And here I end up with my (little) Minecraft understanding. The readme say basically to save hold, save query and then to backup the data directory. The command save query tells me this:

[2023-10-24 07:08:35:392 INFO] Data saved. Files are now ready to be copied.
world/db/CURRENT:16, world/db/000016.ldb:208360, world/db/000015.log:0, world/db/MANIFEST-000013:354, world/level.dat:2733, world/level.dat_old:2733, world/levelname.txt:5

I read somewhere else that the server will continue writing to the files and I need to backup only the parts save query tells me and truncate (really ?!) the files accordingly. This is something else than the readme tells me. I'm confused, but would trust @itzg and it's readme a bit more.

I guess the final goal is to end up with a .mcworld file. Of all things above, only the toll @Kaiede made would create that.

To cut a long story short, my question:

Thanks a lot for inputs!

itzg commented 1 year ago

I will have to defer to @Kaiede since the extent of my bedrock backup knowledge is captured in that section you linked, @tuxpeople .

Kaiede commented 1 year ago

Am I assuming right that both the cli and container of your backup utility expect to run on a docker host and to have access to the docker socket? If true, I unfortunately can't use it, as I run my servers on Kubernetes

Currently, yes. As you have noted there’s a corruption risk without calling save hold first. So a backup tool needs to be able to talk to the server console. Rcon isn’t supported on bedrock, so there’s not much else that can be done other than talk to the console directly last time I looked at things.

If something like rcon existed in the bedrock container then I could probably make changes to support it and use a private network between the containers to issue the commands instead. That should be more agnostic to the container engine being used, and more secure when used with the private network.

tuxpeople commented 1 year ago

@itzg No worries. I could ask my son if it's a question concerning in-game knowledge, but not for server stuff 😂

@Kaiede I think I understand: There's currently no way to do the necessary commands over the network, therefore you have to rely on attaching to the container to directly issue commands to it.

There's something for Kubernetes similar to docker attach: kubectl attach. I can use it to isse commands interactively, however, I don't see a way to script it atm. Am I assuming right that there's also no way to issue the neccessary commands from inside the bedrock container itself? And I also assuming correctly that the "normal" client protocol is unsuitable for this?

I have a way to issue commands to the server from within the running bedrock container. And also to read the response without asking @itzg to add additional tools to the container. Let's see how far I can go with this approach. Can you (@Kaiede) tell me how you create a .mcworld file from this:

[2023-10-24 07:08:35:392 INFO] Data saved. Files are now ready to be copied.
world/db/CURRENT:16, world/db/000016.ldb:208360, world/db/000015.log:0, world/db/MANIFEST-000013:354, world/level.dat:2733, world/level.dat_old:2733, world/levelname.txt:5


Kaiede commented 1 year ago

I think I understand: There's currently no way to do the necessary commands over the network, therefore you have to rely on attaching to the container to directly issue commands to it.

Correct. And this process is specific to the container engine being used. Kubernetes, being built around orchestration across a cluster of nodes, introduces wrinkles. I haven’t worked with it, so I’m not sure how straight-forward it would be to support. Not only does the backup container need access to the host’s docker instance, it needs to be able to share the data volume with the minecraft container. This gets messy in cases where the two containers might wind up on different nodes when using Kubernetes. I’m not sure how orchestration works when dealing with shared volumes.

I only run two nodes (one x86 and one arm64), so haven’t really needed something with cluster capability.

Am I assuming right that there's also no way to issue the neccessary commands from inside the bedrock container itself? And I also assuming correctly that the "normal" client protocol is unsuitable for this?

The normal client protocol is unsuitable because it means implementing a full client login with a Microsoft account, which is built for interactive logins. Note that logging into a server assumes that the client has already performed authentication and provides the token (the JWT listed in the protocol spec you shared) to the server. Also, I don’t remember if save commands are available to operators via the Bedrock client. So this would also be messy for an end user to configure and operate.

Keep in mind, the requirement of host docker access is needed for scripting of any kind from another container. For the backup container it’s just easier to attach and interact with the console directly, as the requirements are the same as asking the container to run scripts for you.

Can you (@Kaiede) tell me how you create a .mcworld file from this:

An .mcworld file is just a zip file of the world. It’s pretty simple once you know what the “root” of the zip file needs to be. If you really want to know more about how it works. you can export a single-player world from Bedrock on Windows, and rename the .mcworld to .zip and take a look inside. Or examine an existing mcworld file on linux using the zip tool to list the contents.

I wasn’t aware of the truncation requirements (Mojang doesn’t document this stuff), so my tool is rather crude here. It just bulk grabs everything on both Java and Bedrock. My backups have restored properly when I needed to do so, and I didn’t encounter corruption, so it just slipped under the radar. I’ll have to take a look to see if I can make the backups more correct going forward.

But thinking about this longer term, depending on how reliable the Bedrock console behavior is, I kinda think wrapping the server in a tool that translates to Rcon (or at least provides some sort of semi-secure console access over a docker/kubernetes private network) is the right approach. It would require integrating the work into the server container, but it is the cleanest way, and supporting Rcon would make it easier for tools to support both Bedrock and Java like mine does.

tuxpeople commented 1 year ago

Correct. And this process is specific to the container engine being used. Kubernetes, being built around orchestration across a cluster of nodes, introduces wrinkles. I haven’t worked with it, so I’m not sure how straight-forward it would be to support. Not only does the backup container need access to the host’s docker instance, it needs to be able to share the data volume with the minecraft container. This gets messy in cases where the two containers might wind up on different nodes when using Kubernetes. I’m not sure how orchestration works when dealing with shared volumes.

I do Kubernetes for living, therefore I know a thing or two. But you're right, it would be a bit messy. Underneath Kubernetes, you can have different container runtimes and also different storage plugins. Therefore, I can see only three approaches to Kubernetes backup which do make sense:

The last thing is not possible on Bedrock due to the lack of rcon.

Can you (@Kaiede) tell me how you create a .mcworld file from this:

An .mcworld file is just a zip file of the world. It’s pretty simple once you know what the “root” of the zip file needs to be. If you really want to know more about how it works. you can export a single-player world from Bedrock on Windows, and rename the .mcworld to .zip and take a look inside. Or examine an existing mcworld file on linux using the zip tool to list the contents.

Yep, I see it now. Thanks!

I wasn’t aware of the truncation requirements (Mojang doesn’t document this stuff), so my tool is rather crude here. It just bulk grabs everything on both Java and Bedrock. My backups have restored properly when I needed to do so, and I didn’t encounter corruption, so it just slipped under the radar. I’ll have to take a look to see if I can make the backups more correct going forward.

But thinking about this longer term, depending on how reliable the Bedrock console behavior is, I kinda think wrapping the server in a tool that translates to Rcon (or at least provides some sort of semi-secure console access over a docker/kubernetes private network) is the right approach. It would require integrating the work into the server container, but it is the cleanest way, and supporting Rcon would make it easier for tools to support both Bedrock and Java like mine does.

My current status on backup is the following: I do have a working backup script to be run inside the container to issue the commands needed and copy/truncate the files. The script will compress the backup and write it into a folder. I was able to successfully import a backup of my server into my iPads Minecraft. The script gets automatically added to the container by Kubernetes and I can set an optional env-var to specify a name for the backup.

As @itzg makes good containers (they do not contain unnecessary tools), I had some issues :-) The current version of script has the following caveats:

tuxpeople commented 1 year ago

@itzg would you consider merging a PR for adding zip to the container? It would allow the creation of .mcworld files, which are ZIP files.

With ZIP I can conduct some testing and I'd be happy to open another PR later to discuss the possibility of adding a backup script to the container.

itzg commented 1 year ago

@tuxpeople I would prefer backup operations to be separate from this image since the final step exec's off to the bedrock server executable. With that said, I don't mind zip being added to the packages, but be aware that I may choose to reject a PR that overall extends the container's functional scope.

tuxpeople commented 1 year ago

@itzg I completely see your point. What I propose is far from what's considered best practices. It's not in alignment with general container best practices and also not with Kubernetes best practices. Therefore, I'm not happy with as well. But as far as I can see, it's the best of all the bad options. But maybe I'm missing something.

Access to the files is not a problem. Regardless of the storage solution used for the Kubernetes deployment. The big issue is to speak with Bedrock Server. What I'm doing now in the script is to echo the commands into the server process's stdin and read the answers from its stdout. This can only be done from inside the Bedrock container.

I can do the same stuff with speaking to the Kubernetes API. Probably similar to what @Kaiede does with the Docker socket. But I'm not a programmer. Therefore I can't do some programming magic and would need to rely on the standard Kubernetes CLI: kubectl attach <pod> gives me access to the I/O of the container. But it's not directly scriptable. I would have to use something like expect. But I'm not sure how mature and reliable this is.

May I ask you for your opinion on this? Not necessary on the expect thing, more on the issue in general.

itzg commented 1 year ago

@tuxpeople you beat me to my follow-up / redaction on some of my comments and concerns 😄 . The idea of a bundled script that is exec'ed is growing on me -- I was jumping to a conclusion that the periodic scheduling would be part of the introduced behavior, but that can be driven externally. Like what you're saying, there's not really an ideal solution without a remote access interface on Bedrock's part. So co-execution makes the most sense given the constraints.

So, go for it! We can iterate and discuss more via a PR when you're ready.

Kaiede commented 1 year ago

Personally, I’d still vote for some sort of console shim rather than baking functionality into the container for a specific use case.

But that’s because it means I can move my container to it, which makes docker/kubernetes support optional for containers trying to do something similar (like mine), rather than fracturing stuff into different techniques.

I can’t guarantee much, but I could try to make time to whip some sort of prototype up using python or the like.

itzg commented 1 year ago

Thanks @Kaiede, that's where I'm still wanting to lean in order to keep the separation of concerns between containers.

Speaking of a shim, perhaps there's room for improvement in the "console shim" I have so far: . Reading out from the process' stdout seems non-trivial since I'm not sure it'll multiplex across the container's stdout and an arbitrary read from there.

tuxpeople commented 1 year ago

I stumbled upon this, which says Bedrock has rcon: But I assume that's wrong.

@itzg Currently, I use your Helm chart to deploy a Kubernetes CronJob which starts the script within your container. The script is being added to the container via a ConfigMap. But using a Kubernetes CronJob to do kubectl exec is also something not winning a beauty contest, IMHO. But it's not our fault Bedrock can't speak with us :-) Btw. I didn't reinvent the wheel for the script, some of the logic is borrowed from here.

Curent version of my script is here. CronJob for scheduling and conversion to zip (.mcworld) is here. Note to myself: remove the for-loop around the conversion in the CronJob :-)

I also found this: which would allow moving the whole backup stuff into its own container to be added as a sidecar. But this needs elevated privileges as normally different containers in a pod have segregated process namespaces. The question would be: what about users who do not have the possibility to grant such privileges?

@Kaiede There's an official Python client library for Kubernetes (the normal CLI client is written in Go) here: there's a short note about attach calls at the end of the readme (Why Exec/Attach calls doesn't work), just in case you're curious.

Kaiede commented 1 year ago

Speaking of a shim, perhaps there's room for improvement in the "console shim" I have so far: . Reading out from the process' stdout seems non-trivial since I'm not sure it'll multiplex across the container's stdout and an arbitrary read from there.

Yeah, going after the stdout/in file descriptors does complicate things a little. It's great for something like what you are doing here, but it's probably easier to let a process simply sit between the container's out/in and the server's out/in and expose a socket from there. Go would probably be perfect for this, and maybe it's the excuse I need to give it a try. Swift would be easy for me, but the binaries aren't nearly as portable and easy to integrate into a container right now.

I stumbled upon this, which says Bedrock has rcon: But I assume that's wrong.

It's wrong. I suspect someone copy-pasted some Java content or maybe even asked GPT to write it (you never know these days).

@Kaiede There's an official Python client library for Kubernetes (the normal CLI client is written in Go) here

I was talking about writing a shim that implements rcon so that you can use it with Bedrock. The main thing having rcon built in provides you is that you get a bit more clarity on what command triggered what output. If you don't care about that, you can use rcon as a pure console.

I could directly support Kubernetes in my backup tool, but if I'm going to spend effort to help enable Kubernetes, I think I'd rather spend effort making the backup process free from Docker-isms. I have gotten reports from users that are in situations where they can't give my tool access to Docker/Kubernetes on the host in order to do the attach, but they can configure a private network between containers. So "fixing" the lack of rcon in Bedrock has wider impacts and helps more folks in the long run, based on what I've seen so far.

tuxpeople commented 1 year ago

Speaking of a shim, perhaps there's room for improvement in the "console shim" I have so far: . Reading out from the process' stdout seems non-trivial since I'm not sure it'll multiplex across the container's stdout and an arbitrary read from there.

Yeah, going after the stdout/in file descriptors does complicate things a little. It's great for something like what you are doing here, but it's probably easier to let a process simply sit between the container's out/in and the server's out/in and expose a socket from there. Go would probably be perfect for this, and maybe it's the excuse I need to give it a try. Swift would be easy for me, but the binaries aren't nearly as portable and easy to integrate into a container right now.

I also just access the processes stdin and stdout to do the communication, what you're describing here would be much better. I'm a big fan of go binaries when creating containers etc. Can't speak for the language though, as I'm not a programmer. I tried to learn go, but not doing programming stuff it's hard. I need something "real" to learn something, I'm not good at learning things the academic way.

@Kaiede There's an official Python client library for Kubernetes (the normal CLI client is written in Go) here

I was talking about writing a shim that implements rcon so that you can use it with Bedrock. The main thing having rcon built in provides you is that you get a bit more clarity on what command triggered what output. If you don't care about that, you can use rcon as a pure console.

Sorry, my bad. As you may have noticed, Engish is not my primary language and sometimes I missunderstand things while reading.

I could directly support Kubernetes in my backup tool, but if I'm going to spend effort to help enable Kubernetes, I think I'd rather spend effort making the backup process free from Docker-isms. I have gotten reports from users that are in situations where they can't give my tool access to Docker/Kubernetes on the host in order to do the attach, but they can configure a private network between containers. So "fixing" the lack of rcon in Bedrock has wider impacts and helps more folks in the long run, based on what I've seen so far.

I'd like the idea. Sounds good to have a runtime-agnostic, stable solution that does not need elevated privileges. Networking access between Bedrock container and a "backup" container would be easy in many environments. Whether it's Docker, Kubernetes, or anything else running containers.

tuxpeople commented 1 year ago

Speaking of a shim, perhaps there's room for improvement in the "console shim" I have so far: . Reading out from the process' stdout seems non-trivial since I'm not sure it'll multiplex across the container's stdout and an arbitrary read from there.

I wasn't aware of that and reinvented that in my script 😇

itzg commented 1 year ago

Yeah, going after the stdout/in file descriptors does complicate things a little. It's great for something like what you are doing here, but it's probably easier to let a process simply sit between the container's out/in and the server's out/in and expose a socket from there. Go would probably be perfect for this, and maybe it's the excuse I need to give it a try

Funny thing is that (used by the Java edition image) partly exists to wrap the stdin when rcon isn't enabled. It only writes a "stop" line, but perhaps that would be an enhancement vector to add a simple REST API to enable remote stdin/stdout access.

Kaiede commented 11 months ago

So, I've added initial support for rcon into my backup container. It will let you use rcon for both Bedrock and Java containers, but clearly Bedrock won't work. The downside to rcon is that it doesn't support the server pushing anything to the client. It doesn't really need to, and so that's generally fine, but it does mean triggering backups on events doesn't work. Once I get a chance to let the validation run a bit, I'll merge the PR and update the documentation:

Thinking on it more, I wonder if the better approach is use rlogin for the wrapper? It at least aligns properly with exposing stdout/in directly which would simplify things considerably. It's not uncommon for folks to use the server username field as the password field for rlogin, which would make it about as secure as rcon in this case (i.e. terrible). It would also make it possible to monitor the output of the server in ways that rcon doesn't allow or make sense for, meaning it would be something that makes sense to include in mc-server-runner for both bedrock/java and enable it if a password is provided to configure it?

REST is also an idea, although if we wanted to support monitoring of the service output for certain events, that's a whole thing that we could bike shed for a while.

Funny thing is that (used by the Java edition image) partly exists to wrap the stdin when rcon isn't enabled. It only writes a "stop" line, but perhaps that would be an enhancement vector to add a simple REST API to enable remote stdin/stdout access.

Just to make sure I understand, you are suggesting maybe forking this for building out the wrapper and then folding it back via a PR once it works?

itzg commented 11 months ago

Just to make sure I understand, you are suggesting maybe forking this for building out the wrapper and then folding it back via a PR once it works?

No forking needed -- that one is my project also 😀. I'm saying, it could be enhanced with a REST endpoint and I'll bump the version used by the image to pick that up.

Kaiede commented 11 months ago

I think we are saying the same thing. The fork would be mine so I can add the functionality before creating a PR to merge it back into your repo.

I'm playing around a bit with a copy of mc-server-runner at the moment. I've got the skeleton of a "RESTCON" server implemented that uses basic auth and re-uses the RCON password (it ignores the username for now). The bit that I need to figure out at the moment is when to consider the response from stdout "complete" and send it back to the client for Bedrock. Need to experiment with that a bit locally.

I've also drafted up a small API for registering listeners with the REST API. This would let containers like mine provide matching patterns to mc-server-runner and have it issue a callback to a URL when the pattern is matched with the content of the matching line. This would allow my event-based backups to still work with this approach, unlike RCON.