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IUF Rulebook
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Flatland rule comments by Christian H #116

Open scotthue opened 10 years ago

scotthue commented 10 years ago

"Looking back on some of the expert flat battles, the new time system seems to work well, most of the time, but it still seems to have some flaws. But I think it can be fixed by adding some simple rules/guidelines.

You really need to be ready at all times during a battle, if a rider waves to signal his turn is over, often the opponent will waste a bit of time before mounting and then doing a trick. Also if riders don't wave at all to signal their turn is up, the time keeper has no idea of knowing if they're going to get up and do another trick, so the time keeper won't stop your time untill the other rider starts to ride. Which eats up a lot! Especially in 1.5m battles, 45 seconds each isnt much, need to make the most of it.

Also a few times where the MC calls a trick wrong and the rider signals during their turn to correct them, I can imagine that's really off putting for the rider, I'd say don't worry about it, it's your call, the judges won't judge you based off of what the MC calls and it's really hard to call every trick correctly. I really wish I could call them all but its soooo hard xD."

(copied from Facebook)