iulianraduat / react-select-material-ui

A react SELECT component based on react-select and looking like a material-ui component
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a11y Support - Label #26

Closed joseglego closed 4 years ago

joseglego commented 5 years ago

I added this plugin to an open source project, and sincerely everything was going cool. But, I ran a Lighthouse Google Audit for Accessibility and I found that the label is missing

In my code I have:

const countries = [
  { label: "Chile", value: "CL" },
  { label: "Argentina", value: "AR" },
  { label: "Perú", value: "PE" },
  { label: "México", value: "MX" },
  { label: "Colombia", value: "CO" }

  onChange={country => handleClick(country)}   

But, the audit outputted next text:

<input autocapitalize="none" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" id="react-select-3-input" spellcheck="false" tabindex="0" type="text" aria-autocomplete="list" value="" style="box-sizing: content-box; width: 2px; background: 0px center; border: 0px; font-size: inherit; opacity: 1; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; color: inherit;">

You can see the screenshot of the error: image

Also, you can check the code: https://github.com/raicerk/Chart-Tech-Trends/blob/master/src/Header/Header.jsx

And you can check the online version and Audit it: http://tech-trend.org/

I think, I read and I saw the aria data, but I think label can add a little more to your project

(At the moment which I reported this issue, I was fixing a11y errors and I noticed it and checkit in local version. The master version didn't have the label, but the local and next version will include it and were used to report this issue)

iulianraduat commented 5 years ago

I looked at tech-trend.org and your two selects does not have any label for selects. So it is normal for lighthouse to do not find any label associated to the input.

PS: You have two "Kotlin" columns in the last chart as it is wrote with two capitalization

joseglego commented 5 years ago

Well, as you can see, it's not my project, I'm just a collaborator 😥 . So, I can't decide when it'll be updated. But, I uploaded a test version, just for you 😬 .

You can check the code: https://github.com/joseglego/Chart-Tech-Trends/tree/test/select-a11y-support/src

You can audit the online version: https://chart-tech-trends-joseglego.netlify.com/

It generates the label, but it's just visually. It doesn't make the relation (the label tag should use a for attribute to make a relationship between the label tag and the input tag).

As I mentioned before it's only to help the a11y. In fact, maybe the label can have extra classes as parameters because maybe I just want as sr-only.

So, be my guest. I'll wait your answer :) and help you if required (was unnecessary close the issue without interaction)

iulianraduat commented 4 years ago

Hi @joseglego,

The version 6.4.2 should have the expected fix. Please test it and let me know if the problem is solved.

Thanks, Iulian

iulianraduat commented 4 years ago

Closed as no response from reporter in more than 15 days.