iv-org / invidious

Invidious is an alternative front-end to YouTube
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
15.52k stars 1.7k forks source link

[question] New Invidious error messages when using mpv to stream links. #4719

Closed AgentCasey closed 4 weeks ago

AgentCasey commented 1 month ago

I use mpv to stream many of the video links. I've been noticing errors and failures to play lately and I decided to not ignore them anymore and to see if anyone is aware of this observation. The version of my invidious instance is: Current version: 2024.05.27-1ae14cc2 @ master and I admit that I haven't tried to use the same streamed links on any other instances, as of yet, which would probably be a good idea, to localize the concern.

However, I'll still reach out to see if there is any meaning to this message which I've been receiving lately. I've redacted the IP address for my server and I have substituted the word, "redacted," in its place. Thanks, any insights will be invaluable. Here is the text of the error:

Failed to open https://rr4---sn-q4flrn7y.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1717157263&ei=L2lZZosK6YaS5w-gy4bgAg&ip=redacted&id=o-AGr4bmd7mwFBt_y8RvbseKQyGAMD7vtkbC2e1MxjqYJA&itag=251&source=youtube&requiressl=yes&xpc=EgVo2aDSNQ%3D%3D&mh=xT&mm=31%2C29&mn=sn-q4flrn7y%2Csn-q4fl6n6z&ms=au%2Crdu&mv=m&mvi=4&pl=22&initcwndbps=103750&bui=AWRWj2QLdz6vxmogz43SmFU1orvFEy__kASlZO8t13Opke_F0PQ48fPvqd2YOSAxUC1fxb1aQOX_s2Y2&spc=UWF9f4BKm5i_K2TeFkvjpURuZkCAKi8DdCp9vuwJVR8VOdIUZ5XAFeo00P7j&vprv=1&svpuc=1&mime=audio%2Fwebm&ns=vk9hGEtJO7HMF58LK4kjCvQQ&rqh=1&gir=yes&clen=53776652&dur=3296.621&lmt=1717103749038910&mt=1717135271&fvip=4&keepalive=yes&c=WEB&sefc=1&txp=6308224&n=41KYV0_tm6aqKeZ&sparams=expire%2Cei%2Cip%2Cid%2Citag%2Csource%2Crequiressl%2Cxpc%2Cbui%2Cspc%2Cvprv%2Csvpuc%2Cmime%2Cns%2Crqh%2Cgir%2Cclen%2Cdur%2Clmt&sig=AJfQdSswRQIgPfcqGFQdZnU9pI-f4FZRBC5H6FP3FnfAhzSlu9gqyx8CIQC_t9Yzn21Jnuds0yAz9uVELPRDAZiWrpalaH05HhyzBA%3D%3D&lsparams=mh%2Cmm%2Cmn%2Cms%2Cmv%2Cmvi%2Cpl%2Cinitcwndbps&lsig=AHWaYeowRAIgOhS7hi6ENk7bP1jhGiTGsHOxmiVF5rJWST1rRHmYA_gCIBswh6_j9XCpENwvrD_W4cigtHt8Fc09u_yFUxHqotuQ.

unixfox commented 1 month ago

Make sure you are not trying to load copyrighted video like music.

AgentCasey commented 1 month ago

@{https://github.com/unixfox} unifox, no I'm not trying to access any copyrighted videos, It's a recent phenomenon and I usually stream all my videos from my own instance. However, I've discovered that the same message is appearing when I use other instances to prove that it's not just my own instance. I may try using older binaries of invidious to see if it's related to the latest upgrade or perhaps, maybe YouTube and Google are up to their usual tricks.

AgentCasey commented 1 month ago

I've used previous binaries, older ones which I've kept after the building process and the error message keeps coming back occasionally. After a few tries the video will eventually play but one has to be attended. That is, when playlists are made, the error will cause interruptions.

The error does not seem to affect playback in the browsers however, which is why it will be overlooked by many people. However, if it is Google finding new ways of subversion, I could use some eyes to interpret the error. Thanks.

AgentCasey commented 4 weeks ago

Problem solved, I just use Youtube links now instead of invidious when I'm using mpv to stream my playlists. This is being edited. I was wrong, it seems as if Google is making sure that the only way to access YouTube content is by using the YouTube website, because I keep getting the same type of messages when using third party applications to stream the videos. I'm sure that it will catch up with all of us.

stonerl commented 4 weeks ago

@AgentCasey I do not see this behavior at all with MPV. We use MPV in Yattee and have no issues at all. To me, that appears to be more of a problem with your setup… TBH