iv-org / invidious

Invidious is an alternative front-end to YouTube
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[Bug] can't load age-gated video #4756

Closed TSN4444 closed 1 week ago

TSN4444 commented 1 week ago

Images: Reference 1- https://github.com/iv-org/invidious/assets/165482704/be6bd01a-64ee-463f-ba01-653ae14d69f1 Reference 2- https://github.com/iv-org/invidious/assets/165482704/c97408cb-4f76-4365-9a8b-1de05e937bb9

taken from console (These lines of code loop):

VIDEOJS: WARN: videojs.plugin() is deprecated; use videojs.registerPlugin() instead (anonymous) @ video.js?v=eda7444:163 video.js?v=eda7444:163 VIDEOJS: ERROR: (CODE:4 MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED) The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. MediaError (anonymous) @ video.js?v=eda7444:163 /videoplayback?expire=1718696140&ei=bORwZtGuLsWBkucPu4yP6AU&ip=2603%3A3005%3A6cf6%3A8100%3Aa526%3Ad029%3Aebd4%3Ae605&id=o-AGcn1kkGjpyw-9EoSCD8twrm5iytiuJDgWKohlNgJpgh&itag=18&source=youtube&requiressl=yes&xpc=EgVo2aDSNQ%3D%3D&mh=FS&mm=31%2C29&mn=sn-jvhj5nu-cvnd%2Csn-p5qlsn7s&ms=au%2Crdu&mv=m&mvi=3&pl=40&initcwndbps=716250&bui=AbKP-1OyCkZzydTFWP_7WjOM5UhaxAWwo4iLq-NgRwLqQCjR9hJ7cJuaWZo1dlHyspEkHA2BmLsOE_W9&vprv=1&svpuc=1&mime=video%2Fmp4&ns=kdhQ5z_e9aEaOG6sQX93DGsQ&rqh=1&gir=yes&clen=61372491&ratebypass=yes&dur=1115.834&lmt=1718435349666537&mt=1718674142&fvip=5&c=TVHTML5_SIMPLY_EMBEDDED_PLAYER&sefc=1&txp=5538434&n=vmznd0gSzg8M4FcW&sparams=expire%2Cei%2Cip%2Cid%2Citag%2Csource%2Crequiressl%2Cxpc%2Cbui%2Cvprv%2Csvpuc%2Cmime%2Cns%2Crqh%2Cgir%2Cclen%2Cratebypass%2Cdur%2Clmt&sig=AJfQdSswRAIgRqh5Agbo6ZT3t9n7C4JeYIAHwpRlmUEiAaO3nw40NYACIFmGMtJrnTP5dCIDfwNLW6XmttbpmiFqJNW7BxzBgSXy&lsparams=mh%2Cmm%2Cmn%2Cms%2Cmv%2Cmvi%2Cpl%2Cinitcwndbps&lsig=AHlkHjAwRQIgRiZF34yfhNJazaN8DRrEBiDNJkoVDW3GE1OhNJw6WokCIQDHCNXIhdutpczzLiE6i-HJ_voKzSTVaKq4mrOQVGE1ng%3D%3D&host=rr3---sn-jvhj5nu-cvnd.googlevideo.com:1

   Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 ()

video.js?v=eda7444:163 VIDEOJS: ERROR: (CODE:4 MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED) The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. MediaError (anonymous) @ video.js?v=eda7444:163 player.js?v=eda7444:75 An error occurred in the player, reloading...

OS: Windows Browser: Brave

Context: for certain channels, videos will not play and will keep giving the error seen in "Reference 1", and when I attempt to download the video to watch videos from these specific channels an error says that I'm not allowed to see them (Reference 2). I have also tried downloading the videos from other places such as YTMP3 and still get a similar error.

syeopite commented 1 week ago

Looks like the instance was blocked by YouTube. If it's an instance you host you should try setting up the IPv6 rotator and if not you should use another public instance.

TSN4444 commented 1 week ago

I've tried with other instances but it doesn't work still, It's only specific channels like Second Thought that don't seem to work, this has been happening across all instances

syeopite commented 1 week ago

Ah I see.

I went to check on the specific video you mentioned and it looks like the video has been age-gated.

Invidious is able to bypass some age restricted videos but not all of them. And in this case the Second Thought video is unable to be accessed.

See #2189

TSN4444 commented 1 week ago

any ways I can fix this?

unixfox commented 1 week ago

There is no fix.

TSN4444 commented 1 week ago

alright, thanks for the info, it helps a lot