ivaano / NsxLibraryManager

Another Lib Manager for NSP NSZ files
34 stars 10 forks source link

issues with renamer #33

Open idmanager100 opened 4 months ago

idmanager100 commented 4 months ago

running win 11 and cant rename anything all thr paths are correct, they are network shares

fail: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Server.Circuits.CircuitHost[111] Unhandled exception in circuit 'qL04YyKk2KKbO0wutq01qeyjoWMCXnxvPHSQ9TKN0c0'. System.Exception: No contents found in the package at NsxLibraryManager.Core.Services.FileInfoService.GetFileInfo(String filePath, Boolean detailed) in C:\Users\Ivan\RiderProjects\NsxLibraryManager\NsxLibraryManager.Core\Services\FileInfoService.cs:line 126 at NsxLibraryManager.Core.Services.RenamerService.GetFilesToRenameAsync(String inputPath, Boolean recursive) in C:\Users\Ivan\RiderProjects\NsxLibraryManager\NsxLibraryManager.Core\Services\RenamerService.cs:line 97 at NsxLibraryManager.Pages.Renamer.LoadFiles() in C:\Users\Ivan\RiderProjects\NsxLibraryManager\NsxLibraryManager\Pages\Renamer.razor.cs:line 77 at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ComponentBase.CallStateHasChangedOnAsyncCompletion(Task task) at Radzen.Blazor.RadzenButton.OnClick(MouseEventArgs args) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ComponentBase.CallStateHasChangedOnAsyncCompletion(Task task) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.RenderTree.Renderer.GetErrorHandledTask(Task taskToHandle, ComponentState owningComponentState)

Lrs121 commented 4 months ago

Working on renaming my library but they are local files not network shares. I have run into this with empty files, non-game files (eg txt files), or games that have bad content hashes.

Since it doesnt output which file it has a problem with, I have been using NSZ to verify the contents to find which game is bad. then redumping it and using the new file.

Lrs121 commented 3 months ago

Please provied more details.

idmanager100 commented 3 months ago

Please provied more details.

  • Operating System unraid docker
  • NsxLibraryManager version v0.3.1 from GitHub tag
  • File Type xci and nsp
  • Game Type all
  • Game Region us eu
  • TitleID of file. Multiply files none work
  • Last TitleDB update day 15.05.24
  • Is the TitleID on tinfoil.io? Should be all new releases
idmanager100 commented 3 months ago
idmanager100 commented 3 months ago

Closed by error

mizifih commented 2 months ago

I was having the same problem, I opened a issue, but figured some stuff out. Give this a read, if possible: Issue nº https://github.com/ivaano/NsxLibraryManager/issues/37.