ivadomed / model_seg_ms_mp2rage

Model repository for MS lesion segmentation on MP2RAGE data from University of Basel
MIT License
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Fix manual MS lesion segmentation from dataset version: `7570a2b796aedff16316645e6a85877486c76752` #56

Closed jcohenadad closed 1 year ago

jcohenadad commented 1 year ago

Working branch on git-annex: jca/update-groundtruth.

P091 and P167 do not have manual MS lesion segmentation file. They should exist (even if they are empty).

Batch commands

Run in folder basel-mp2rage. Replace "START", "END" with correct numbers.


Copy derivatives for review:

for i in $(seq -f "%03g" $START $END); do cp <PATH>/sub-P${i}/anat/sub-P${i}_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz derivatives/labels/sub-P${i}/anat/sub-P${i}_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz; done


for i in $(seq -f "%03g" $START $END); do sct_maths -i sub-P${i}/anat/sub-P${i}_UNIT1.nii.gz -denoise p=1,b=2 -o sub-P${i}/anat/sub-P${i}_UNIT1_denoised.nii.gz; done

While denoising is running, start running QC segmentations (wait for the first denoising to finish), For easier QCing, we recommend setting up the scene shown below and saving it as qc-sagittal:

Note: This scene will eventually be called by a proper script. See https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/wa-jisc.exe?A2=ind2301&F=5496681621512503&L=FSL&O=D&P=31427&X=3FB009402978E6EF53&Y=julien.cohenadad%40gmail.com

for i in $(seq -f "%03g" $START $END); do fsleyes -S --scene qc-sagittal sub-P${i}/anat/sub-P${i}_UNIT1_denoised  derivatives/labels/sub-P${i}/anat/sub-P${i}_UNIT1_lesion-manualHaris -cm yellow derivatives/labels/sub-P${i}/anat/sub-P${i}_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly -cm red; done


Once manual correction is done, remove the denoised data:

find . -name "*denoised.*" -delete

And push the modified data to git-annex

git add .
git commit -m "Added manual GT from Michelle/Julien: 66->75"
git annex copy --to=origin 
git annex sync --no-content --only-annex
git push
jcohenadad commented 1 year ago


jcohenadad commented 1 year ago

Reviewing Michelle's segmentation.

Batch QCing command (replace 37 with start/end subjects numbers):

for i in {37..37}; do fsleyes -S sub-P0${i}/anat/sub-P0${i}_UNIT1 derivatives/labels/sub-P0${i}/anat/sub-P0${i}_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly derivatives/labels/sub-P0${i}/anat/sub-P0${i}_UNIT1_lesion-manualHaris -cm red -a 50; done
jcohenadad commented 1 year ago

lesion missed by Haris/Michelle: Screen Shot 2022-12-20 at 5 53 11 PM

lesion missed by Michelle: Screen Shot 2022-12-20 at 5 53 28 PM

lesion under-segmented by Michelle-- the presentation of a lesion should be more inside the tissue rather than at the periphery only (partial volume with CSF): Screen Shot 2022-12-20 at 5 54 56 PM

jcohenadad commented 1 year ago

Lesion missed by Michelle: Screen Shot 2022-12-20 at 5 58 02 PM

jcohenadad commented 1 year ago

Mislabelling central canal (which appears as hypointense signal) for an MS lesion:


Screen Shot 2022-12-20 at 6 00 16 PM

jcohenadad commented 1 year ago

No need to segment above the spinal cord:

Screen Shot 2022-12-20 at 6 11 29 PM

jcohenadad commented 1 year ago

Not a lesion: Screen Shot 2022-12-20 at 6 14 38 PM

In general, lesions should be "3D blobs", not 2D blob that only spans a single slice as is the case here. Most lesions should have the shape of a 3D blob, so it is important to work on the 3 views of the viewer to ensure the consistency of the shape.

mchen1110 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the feedback, Julien!

I have been doing the following procedure in regards to lesion segmentation:

  1. Use sct_run_batch to process a lesion correction script that opens the image in FSLeyes along with 2 segmentation overlays (lesion-manualHaris and a copy of lesion-manualHaris that is renamed and saved as lesion-manualNeuroPoly).
  2. Adjust brightness and contrast to better visualize lesions.
  3. Scroll through the views without any overlays to get an idea of what the spinal cord looks like.
  4. After identifying areas of hypointensity and using location and presence across multiple slices in all 3 views to confirm the extent of the lesion, use the labeling tool to mark the lesion.
  5. Save the lesion segmentation.
jcohenadad commented 1 year ago

to process a lesion correction script

can you pls share this script? or add it in your comment?

jcohenadad commented 1 year ago

As per #46 we realized that running a bit of denoising helps with visual inspection, so here's the SHELL script to run it on the whole dataset:

for i in {33..42}; do sct_maths -i sub-P0${i}/anat/sub-P0${i}_UNIT1.nii.gz -denoise p=1,b=2 -o sub-P0${i}/anat/sub-P0${i}_UNIT1_denoised.nii.gz; done
mchen1110 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the feedback, Julien!

I have been doing the following procedure in regards to lesion segmentation:

  1. Use sct_run_batch to process a lesion correction script that opens the image in FSLeyes along with 2 segmentation overlays (lesion-manualHaris and a copy of lesion-manualHaris that is renamed and saved as lesion-manualNeuroPoly).
  2. Adjust brightness and contrast to better visualize lesions.
  3. Scroll through the views without any overlays to get an idea of what the spinal cord looks like.
  4. After identifying areas of hypointensity and using location and presence across multiple slices in all 3 views to confirm the extent of the lesion, use the labeling tool to mark the lesion.
  5. Save the lesion segmentation.

The script was created with the help of @sandrinebedard and can be found below. I added in denoising as well based on our discussion. It may need some editing so any feedback is appreciated!

# Process data.
# Usage:
#   ./correct_lesions.sh <SUBJECT>
# Manual segmentations or labels should be located under:
# PATH_DATA/derivatives/labels/SUBJECT/anat/
# Authors: Sandrine Bédard, Julien Cohen-Adad

set -x
# Immediately exit if error
set -e -o pipefail

# Exit if user presses CTRL+C (Linux) or CMD+C (OSX)
trap "echo Caught Keyboard Interrupt within script. Exiting now.; exit" INT

# Retrieve input params

# Save script path

# get starting time:
start=`date +%s`

# ==============================================================================
# Display useful info for the log, such as SCT version, RAM and CPU cores available
sct_check_dependencies -short

# Go to folder where data will be copied and processed
# Copy list of participants in processed data folder
if [[ ! -f "participants.tsv" ]]; then
  rsync -avzh $PATH_DATA/participants.tsv .
# Copy list of participants in resutls folder
if [[ ! -f $PATH_RESULTS/"participants.tsv" ]]; then
  rsync -avzh $PATH_DATA/participants.tsv $PATH_RESULTS/"participants.tsv"
# Copy source images
rsync -avzh $PATH_DATA/$SUBJECT .
# Go to anat folder where all structural data are located
cd ${SUBJECT}/anat/

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Denoise image
sct_maths -i ${file}.nii.gz -denoise p=1,b=2 -o ${file}_denoised-p1b2.nii.gz


echo "Looking for manual segmentation: $FILESEGMANUAL"
if [[ -e $FILESEGMANUAL ]]; then
  echo "Found! Using manual segmentation."
  rsync -avzh $FILESEGMANUAL ${FILESEG}.nii.gz
  cp ${FILESEG}.nii.gz ${SUBJECT}_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz
  fsleyes ${file_denoised}.nii.gz ${FILESEG}.nii.gz ${SUBJECT}_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz &

  rsync -avzh ${SUBJECT}_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz "${PATH_DATA}/derivatives/labels/${SUBJECT}/anat/${SUBJECT}_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz"


# Verify presence of output files and write log file if error
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

for file in ${FILES_TO_CHECK[@]}; do
  if [[ ! -e $file ]]; then
    echo "${SUBJECT}/anat/${file} does not exist" >> $PATH_LOG/_error_check_output_files.log

# Display useful info for the log
end=`date +%s`
echo "~~~"
echo "SCT version: `sct_version`"
echo "Ran on:      `uname -nsr`"
echo "Duration:    $(($runtime / 3600))hrs $((($runtime / 60) % 60))min $(($runtime % 60))sec"
echo "~~~"
jcohenadad commented 1 year ago

The script looks good, but few comments:

mchen1110 commented 1 year ago

When I tried to run the script, this was the output but the error log was empty:

(env) mchen@LAPTOP-FRUL1V8F:/mnt/c/Users/miche/mp2rage-results$ sct_run_batch -jobs 1 -path-data /mnt/c/Users/miche/basel-mp2rage/ -path-output /mnt/c/Users/miche/mp2rage-results/2022-12-20-manual-seg -script mp2rage_correct_lesions.sh -include sub-P043

Spinal Cord Toolbox (git-master-b8d950994081b5a446e2b90c015e3bfdd3ca27ce*)

sct_run_batch -jobs 1 -path-data /mnt/c/Users/miche/basel-mp2rage/ -path-output /mnt/c/Users/miche/mp2rage-results/2022-12-20-manual-seg -script mp2rage_correct_lesions.sh -include sub-P043

OS: linux (Linux-
CPU cores: Available: 8 | Threads used by ITK Programs: 1
RAM: Total 7872 MB | Available 7303 MB | Used 296 MB

batch_log: sct_run_batch_log.txt
config: null
continue_on_error: 1
email_from: null
email_host: smtp.gmail.com:587
email_to: null
exclude: null
exclude_list: null
ignore_ses: false
include: sub-P043
include_list: null
itk_threads: 1
jobs: 1
path_data: /mnt/c/Users/miche/basel-mp2rage/
path_output: /mnt/c/Users/miche/mp2rage-results/2022-12-20-manual-seg
path_segmanual: .
script: mp2rage_correct_lesions.sh
script_args: ''
subject_prefix: sub-
v: 1
zip: false

git commit: ?!?
git origin: ?!?
Copying script to output folder...
/mnt/c/Users/miche/mp2rage-results/mp2rage_correct_lesions.sh -> /mnt/c/Users/miche/mp2rage-results/2022-12-20-manual-seg/mp2rage_correct_lesions.sh
Setting execute permissions for script file mp2rage_correct_lesions.sh ...

git commit: 7570a2b796aedff16316645e6a85877486c76752*
git origin: git@data.neuro.polymtl.ca:datasets/basel-mp2rage

Processing 1 subjects in parallel. (Worker processes used: 1).
Started at 08h34m44s: sub-P043. See log file /mnt/c/Users/miche/mp2rage-results/2022-12-20-manual-seg/log/mp2rage_correct_lesions_sub-P043.log

Your batch completed but some subjects may have not completed successfully, please consult the logs for:

Started: 08h34m44s | Ended: 08h34m44s | Duration: 00h00m00s

To open the Quality Control (QC) report in a web-browser, open the following file:
jcohenadad commented 1 year ago

first thing to check is: did you download the data from git annex. Can you « ls -la » into the directory of that patient so i can see the size of the file

mchen1110 commented 1 year ago

When I tried to run the script, this was the output but the error log was empty:

(env) mchen@LAPTOP-FRUL1V8F:/mnt/c/Users/miche/mp2rage-results$ sct_run_batch -jobs 1 -path-data /mnt/c/Users/miche/basel-mp2rage/ -path-output /mnt/c/Users/miche/mp2rage-results/2022-12-20-manual-seg -script mp2rage_correct_lesions.sh -include sub-P043

Spinal Cord Toolbox (git-master-b8d950994081b5a446e2b90c015e3bfdd3ca27ce*)

sct_run_batch -jobs 1 -path-data /mnt/c/Users/miche/basel-mp2rage/ -path-output /mnt/c/Users/miche/mp2rage-results/2022-12-20-manual-seg -script mp2rage_correct_lesions.sh -include sub-P043

OS: linux (Linux-
CPU cores: Available: 8 | Threads used by ITK Programs: 1
RAM: Total 7872 MB | Available 7303 MB | Used 296 MB

batch_log: sct_run_batch_log.txt
config: null
continue_on_error: 1
email_from: null
email_host: smtp.gmail.com:587
email_to: null
exclude: null
exclude_list: null
ignore_ses: false
include: sub-P043
include_list: null
itk_threads: 1
jobs: 1
path_data: /mnt/c/Users/miche/basel-mp2rage/
path_output: /mnt/c/Users/miche/mp2rage-results/2022-12-20-manual-seg
path_segmanual: .
script: mp2rage_correct_lesions.sh
script_args: ''
subject_prefix: sub-
v: 1
zip: false

git commit: ?!?
git origin: ?!?
Copying script to output folder...
/mnt/c/Users/miche/mp2rage-results/mp2rage_correct_lesions.sh -> /mnt/c/Users/miche/mp2rage-results/2022-12-20-manual-seg/mp2rage_correct_lesions.sh
Setting execute permissions for script file mp2rage_correct_lesions.sh ...

git commit: 7570a2b796aedff16316645e6a85877486c76752*
git origin: git@data.neuro.polymtl.ca:datasets/basel-mp2rage

Processing 1 subjects in parallel. (Worker processes used: 1).
Started at 08h34m44s: sub-P043. See log file /mnt/c/Users/miche/mp2rage-results/2022-12-20-manual-seg/log/mp2rage_correct_lesions_sub-P043.log

Your batch completed but some subjects may have not completed successfully, please consult the logs for:

Started: 08h34m44s | Ended: 08h34m44s | Duration: 00h00m00s

To open the Quality Control (QC) report in a web-browser, open the following file:

After some investigations with @valosekj, we received an error message: -bash: ./mp2rage_correct_lesions.sh: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory. We ran the following command to remove the ^M carriage return character: sed -i -e 's/\r$//' mp2rage_correct_lesions.sh and the script ran without any issues

jcohenadad commented 1 year ago

false positive: Screen Shot 2022-12-24 at 4 35 18 PM

Screen Shot 2022-12-24 at 4 36 29 PM

jcohenadad commented 1 year ago

False negative

Screen Shot 2022-12-24 at 9 53 02 PM

jcohenadad commented 1 year ago

false positive (canal spinal).

Screen Shot 2022-12-24 at 9 56 12 PM

jcohenadad commented 1 year ago

Good catch! (although slightly oversegmented) Screen Shot 2022-12-24 at 9 58 37 PM

jcohenadad commented 1 year ago

False positive: image

jcohenadad commented 1 year ago

Lesions too big. See animation below toggling between: Image, Michelle, Julien:


jcohenadad commented 1 year ago

These are two separate lesions-- they should not be attached:


jcohenadad commented 1 year ago

@mchen1110 Here is a screen recording that shows my approach to manual label creation. Hopefully this will be helpful.

jcohenadad commented 1 year ago

@mchen1110 Here are my modified segmentations from your segmentations:

 M derivatives/labels/sub-P124/anat/sub-P124_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz
 M derivatives/labels/sub-P130/anat/sub-P130_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz
 M derivatives/labels/sub-P132/anat/sub-P132_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz
 M derivatives/labels/sub-P134/anat/sub-P134_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz
 M derivatives/labels/sub-P138/anat/sub-P138_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz
 M derivatives/labels/sub-P139/anat/sub-P139_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz
 M derivatives/labels/sub-P141/anat/sub-P141_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz
 M derivatives/labels/sub-P142/anat/sub-P142_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz
 M derivatives/labels/sub-P146/anat/sub-P146_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz
 M derivatives/labels/sub-P153/anat/sub-P153_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz
 M derivatives/labels/sub-P165/anat/sub-P165_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz
 M derivatives/labels/sub-P169/anat/sub-P169_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz
 M derivatives/labels/sub-P173/anat/sub-P173_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz
 M derivatives/labels/sub-P174/anat/sub-P174_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz
 M derivatives/labels/sub-P176/anat/sub-P176_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz
 M derivatives/labels/sub-P187/anat/sub-P187_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz
 M derivatives/labels/sub-P190/anat/sub-P190_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz
 M derivatives/labels/sub-P243/anat/sub-P243_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz
 M derivatives/labels/sub-P249/anat/sub-P249_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz
 M derivatives/labels/sub-P250/anat/sub-P250_UNIT1_lesion-manualNeuroPoly.nii.gz

Overall it looked excellent!

jcohenadad commented 1 year ago

New ground truths uploaded on master:

Terminal output ```console ef09a994b1bd8dae70fea7d811c89dfae7f52025 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Correction Julien: 132->250 757f0494ba9793f9828d79f7d1fdb41c149f229c Correction Julien: 122->130 5666dd67c7149bf0a7e4b2d5a7f0550c50252b5b Added manual GT from Michelle: 119->250 20da1a9e16a3f001c8d41b17ce5655ab160688bc Added manual GT from Michelle/Julien: 109->118 0b628c2c2835dfa2f21d930666ec1320cec5c10c Added manual GT from Michelle/Julien: 98->108 49f8112785318eab72acb3974bbb49fac207434d Added manual GT from Michelle/Julien: 86->97 437149565b2f10a8220db5010e37ee0c3f2c70fb Added manual GT from Michelle/Julien: 76->85 0565b2d437d69e97876e41ca6677b6693bcf9a74 Added manual GT from Michelle/Julien: 66->75 04aefadfcb637da55bcf447fac5a28f678f2f2a0 Added manual GT from Michelle/Julien: 54->65 e81501df6197b40e812007d308e64f7259af4f49 Added manual ground truth from Michelle/Julien: 43->53 44f15be8c8b3cf6a4045b3a7e86457f1eb41eba0 Added manual segmentation from NeuroPoly ```