ivalkou / LoopWorkspace

Loop fork with Microboluses and Nightscout CGM
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Build error #9

Open ladmin976 opened 3 years ago

ladmin976 commented 3 years ago

In Xcode 12.3 there is some error during build: error: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/lipo: one of -create, -thin , -extract , -remove , -replace , -verify_arch ... , -archs, -info, or -detailed_info must be specified

How it can be resolved?

zubernuker commented 3 years ago

Remove Carthage and install 0.36.0 or 0.34.0 version of it.

hirschthomas commented 3 years ago

i have the same issues

GBRacerX1 commented 3 years ago

Use this: https://www.loopnlearn.org/carthage-0-36-0/