ivan-gavran / multiple_turtlebots_real_world

A shared attempt to create a launch file for multiple turtlebots (under namespaces)
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I have the same problem! #5

Closed tx0619s closed 5 years ago

tx0619s commented 5 years ago

Hi gergia,

I am also trying to figure out the same problem as you had about namespace for multi-turtlebots.

I followed your Solved it ! Turtlebot with Laserscanner post and modified my launch files based on baeckermeister solution. And now I have the same tf-tree as you had before, the tree has robot1/odom robot1/base_footprint and robot1/base_link all linked together but without map on the top.

Could you let me know how you solve this? I would very appreciate it.

Forgot to mention, I use Ubuntu14.04 and Indigo. My camera is astra.

Now there are two map topics among all my topics , /map and /robot1/map. /robot1/map has /robot1/map_server publisher but no subscriber. /map has /robot1/amcl subscriber but no publisher.

More specifically, how do you get robot1/amcl as broadcaster between map and robot1/odom?

ivan-gavran commented 5 years ago

Did you try to use the files the way there are in the master branch? I never managed to get baeckermeister's solution work for me, but did manage to get the whole system running (and that should be the situation in the master branch) by using this fork

tx0619s commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your response!

I have found solution based on baeckermeister solution. The only trick thing I did is that I modified 3dsensor.launch file. I added namespace for output_frame_id in laserscan section. Having done this, everything works fine.

Your post is very helpful and saved me a lot of time! Thank you very much!