if something does not works because I removed something, remove that group of lines between 115 ans 1256 (the AppImage will be bigger);
if the ArchImage works and you want to made it smaller, test it by running the AppRun and guess what files the final AppImage should not include. My workflow is:
move a file/a group of files/a directory/more directories in the trash;
run the AppRun;
if the app works I can sign the files I removed to add them in the list of files to delete... if the app does not work I must restore the removed files from th trash;
repeat from the point 1 to the poit 3 with another file, folder or a group of files.
I don't know when I do well, nor if I am wrong. I just guess if the files are needed or not.
first, copyq appimage with Archimage build is have more size 300MB
so, how do you decrease the appimage size with use Archimage-cli