ivan-hc / ArchImage

Build AppImage packages for all distributions but including Arch Linux packages. Powered by JuNest.
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Building errors Quiltix from AUR #13

Closed dCo3lh0 closed 7 months ago

dCo3lh0 commented 7 months ago

Hey man, i've tried using archimage to build a tool that is very hard to build for linux and someone did in AUR, but i am in debian 11 so i thought, why not trying to make an appimage using archimage and junest, so i've tried but it gave me an error at the end, about missing python or something. Can you help me on this? I just wanna try the tool. i've pointed the dependencies as well but it didn't find python at all.

Original Repository: https://github.com/PrismPipeline/QuiltiX

AUR: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/quiltix

ivan-hc commented 7 months ago

I must read the log, is python a dependence? You need to add this at top of the script.

dCo3lh0 commented 7 months ago

there is various log files inside the folder, what log file do you want? i dont know what to post lmao. What terminal command line i use to generate a build log.

ivan-hc commented 7 months ago

You have not said if the AppImage has been created. Be more specific. If you say

it gave me an error at the end, about missing python or something

this does not helps.

I can imagine a series of things:

All I say is that everyone that wants to create an Appimage using my ArchImage tool should try to install it on JuNest first, and then take notes of every missing package that it needs to made the app work.

My question is "Are you able to install the app from AUR on Arch Linux?"

I'm telling you this because you wrote me two messages and I still don't understand what your problem is (and I don't like having to guess).

ivan-hc commented 7 months ago

OK, I've tried to compile this by myself.

I think that your problem is while compiling, so all processes are stuck at this point:


The first time I had only python as dependence.

The second time I compiled everything I have used this dependence: base-devel (as described here).

This should be already all we need. Change the line DEPENDENCES in the script, the only dependence you need is base-devel


because all the dependences listed on the AUR are AUR packages themself (I had also ChaoticAUR support enabled, to speedup the workflow).

In both cases I had the same issue shown in the screenshot.

I don't know why this happens, it should be better to ask to the maintainer of the PKGBUILD or to search among the forums.

==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> WARNING: Using existing $srcdir/ tree
==> Starting build()...
/usr/bin/python: No module named build
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().

by doing a quick search on Google, it seems that "build" must be compiled from source using "pip install".

I don't know if the author of the PKGBUILD have obmitted this step or something. It is better if you try to solve this issue before you start compilng again this ArchImage.


ivan-hc commented 7 months ago

New commit with additional checks https://github.com/ivan-hc/ArchImage/commit/a97a96763b6727a223908c4ccf3614bc55649edf

In case of problens, replace the part "# INSTALL THE PROGRAM USING YAY" with this one:

./.local/share/junest/bin/junest -- yay -Syy
./.local/share/junest/bin/junest -- gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-key C01E1CAD5EA2C4F0B8E3571504C367C218ADD4FF
echo y | ./.local/share/junest/bin/junest -- yay --answerclean All --answerdiff All --noconfirm -S gnu-free-fonts $(echo "$BASICSTUFF $COMPILERS $DEPENDENCES $APP")

I use it to built "gimp-git" https://github.com/ivan-hc/GIMP-appimage/blob/main/gimp-git-junest.sh