Closed RafaelLinux closed 1 year ago
the only way I have to export JuNest-based AppImages is to run them in proot mode, but this seems to give limits to some apps (like Bottles or GNOME Boxes). Using normal version with namespaces made the Appimage non portable.
As surely you read in Bottles issues, they will not release (despite they did time ago) an AppImage. So Bottles is forget for me now so I will not recommend it if someone ask me about. FlatPak "way fo work" is not so transparent as AppImage.
I use Linux since 2009, I had less problems to use WINE from command line or by using q4wine... while Bottles have never worked for me, not as a Flatpak, nor as an AppImage, nor as an AUR package.
I must say it worked for me, and very well. But FlatPak eated my DATA partition (home) and after learn how it works, decided to not use FlatPaks anymore.
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