ivan-hc / GIMP-appimage

GNU Image Manipulation Program Stable & Developer Edition.
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Update GIMP Developer Edition to 2.99.12 #3

Closed TotalCaesar659 closed 2 years ago

TotalCaesar659 commented 2 years ago

Hi, could you update GIMP Developer Edition in releases to 2.99.12? There are many enhancements.

ivan-hc commented 2 years ago

Hi, it seems to be available only the v2.99.10 on the PPA from where this AppImage is created


I can provide only that version, however it may be helpful if someone helps me in providing a github action to maintain this repository alive, sadly I have not much time latelly. If you need a more recent version, you can install it using AM (with sudo) or AppMan (without sudo), the last one has also an option to switch the main folder of the apps from ~/.opt to another one you choose.

TotalCaesar659 commented 2 years ago

Ah, you don't compile from sources and get them from PPA? OK. I've used builds from this repo before, but it is outdated for a long time, so I've found your one. Thanks for clarification, I just wanted to see what's new in dev builds.

ivan-hc commented 2 years ago

Created a GitHub action to compile and redistribute both Stable and Development edition you can download from the link below


The release is updated each Sunday