ivan-kleshnin / dataflows

Web app dataflows
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Arrows need better definition #1

Closed jessehattabaugh closed 8 years ago

jessehattabaugh commented 9 years ago

What does

active => passive any <- reactive


ivan-kleshnin commented 9 years ago

Hi @jessehattabaugh. You are right.

All this is about dataflow

Not the easiest subject to get and to explain. Mostly because human languages aren't so strict as programming ones. But I will try.

All diagrams are, of course, simplified to present the essence of the architecture. They could include much more "parts" but my goal was to discover the "main loop". Every frontend app contains one because it does not end normally.

Program consists of parts. Those parts interact with each other. It may be a module, or class but all interactions boil down to function calls.

Passive is what experiences action of some actor in some interaction. Pure data is always passive. So even in fully Reactive system you will have Interactive layers. Those which works directly with data.

One code may be Passive at one moment and Active at the next. Take this chunk from the Flummox example:

Component => Action => Dispatcher ...

Component listens reactively to the DOM. This is not showed. Then:

onClick="someData => someAction(someData)" 
[... <- Component => Action]

dispatch("someAction", someData)
[Action => Dispatcher]

So Action is passive from the Component view. And active from the Dispatcher view.

Active is the opposite to passive and represents some layer of control. Controllers are never passive in the backend app because noone calls them.

Reactive is what listens to some source and "react" in some way. This source may be an Event emitter, a Stream, a Promise, an Observable. It does not matter and it does not have established name, that's why I mark it as any.

Arrow direction is very important

active => passive

Here active should have access to passive. Import module and call some function from it. Or have a data and apply some function on it. Left part is aware of the right, right part is not aware of the left.

any <- reactive

Here reactive should have access to any. Import module and subcribe to some emitter from it. Or have a Stream data and subscribe on it. Whatever fits. Left part is not aware of the right, right part is aware of the left.

That's what direction means. What must be aware of what.

Also I suggest you to see https://github.com/Yomguithereal/baobab/issues/240 and my comments there.

Is it more clear now?

jessehattabaugh commented 9 years ago

So you could say

Interactive: actor => actee Reactive: observer <- observable

ivan-kleshnin commented 9 years ago

This is correct

Interactive: actor => actee

This is wrong

Reactive: observer <- observable

Should be

Reactive: observable <- observer

Left-to-right direction follows the timeline Type of arrow helps to differ between different relations. Interactive mutates Future in terms of what is Now. Reactive describes Now in terms of the Past.

Interactive = mutable time Reactive = immutable time

The problem with the word "actor" is that it heavily associates with an Actor pattern in concurrency. Erlang users would be very confused cause we use it here in a totally different meaning.

ivan-kleshnin commented 8 years ago

Definitions added.