ivan-usov / BrainSoundLab

Processing and visualization of neurophysiological data
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Deviant Tone Analysis #9

Open taniabarkat opened 7 years ago

taniabarkat commented 7 years ago

The deviant tone sequence looks really nice, but I have a few questions and suggestions for update:

Why does the DT sequence display change whether we choose one frequency or the other (i.e. the standard or the deviant)? Would it be possible to have the spike number for the blue and the red trace displayed simultaneously, whether we decide to look at the PSTH of one frequency or the other?

When you have a sequences that goes like this: SSSSDS for example, the data you would have for the deviant tone is one value for deviant followed by 4 standard, right? (and not one value for D followed by 1 S, one by 2 S, one by 3 S, one by 4 S)?

Is the y axis the spike number averaged over the number of trials for x=1, x=2 etc, right?

Is the error bar the standard deviation? Is this what you call sigma in the saved data?

Would it be possible to have a very similar graph below the one that is there now, displaying spike rates instead of spike number? (as the processing windows are changing a lot from one tone to the other, I think this would be useful)

The result of the DT sequence for when S and D are played with 50% probability do not seem intuitive to me (i would have expected something more symmetric?) – and I am wondering how the calculations are made for this case. This will probably become easier to understand once the responses to the other questions are clearer to me.

Minor changes: Would it be possible to display the frequency that corresponds to the deviant or standard tone in the graph legend (in addition – and not instead of - to calling it standard or deviant)? This change would be particularly useful for when the deviant and standard tones are played with 50% probability, so that we understand how the calculation was made. Would it be possible to display the n for both deviant and standard tone below each value of the x axis (then we could know how many times the deviant tone was preceded by 1 standard tone only, how by 2 standard tones only etc)?